Major Update “Air Superiority” - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 3)

NATO also developed larger ARMs to counter larger threats. They did have missiles, before HARM. HARM couldn’t, can’t, and won’t be able to do everything.
Come on!

hell no, the other tornados you can barely justify the BR for

but a Tornado without any guided ordnance? no

Should we expect anything else today? I was thinking we would get a 2a7V devblog because of that animal mention yesterday.

which did they build?

and what part of NATO was it?

Prototype camo is just the pre-order bonus. The aircraft itself is an IDS from the WTD-61 Test Centre.

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do you always have to manually add the Blue background for your messages?

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Probably not tomorrow maybe. Also animal could be for anything Leopard, Eagle, Gripen etc

Why does having 800mm KE make any difference to having 750mm KE?

No shell can go through it anyway; on the other hand, both tanks can be killed equally as easily as soon as a single pixel of their sides is visible.

Even if the glacis gets improved internal armor (which again, would have no effect gameplay wise), UFP and mantlet will likely be the same as 122 too.


So is it 1:1 the same as the MFG tornado besides premium bonuses and AS34 that only are barely useable for Sim?

Just how do you plan to lower its BR, or do you want to lower the BR of the MFG and possible other tornados as well?


Didn’t you know the Tornado and Roanoke are grand animals.

Then there’s no reason to play it and spend money if I don’t like the current state of the game.

Everyone keeps saying that I shouldn’t be surprised. But I keep saying that I’m going in with low expectations because there’s no reason to give a high one because of historical precedent.

that is correct

0km. Effective range implies its effective. Missing a broadside Scharnhorst is not effective

it didn’t miss

just didn’t hit anything important

It would have a massive effect, because the add on armor can be removed by hits, bombs or whatever.

People have been throwing around numbers of 400-700mm KE protection for the improved hull of the 2A7V without the add on, this also makes the lower plate even stronger. I have even seen people claim 950mm KE on the hull with the new composite + add on.

Hell the SEPv2 increased hull armor would barely reach 550mm pen and the T-90M has a humongus mobility disadvantage.

It’s funny, you have always been against the Strv 122 and BVM being so dominant and meta defining, yet when a new MBT comes with similar levels of powercreep over those 2 tanks you are suddenly opening it with arms wide open.

And yes, a tank with both better base armor, better base+add on armor, better firepower and better optics would definitely be a similar level of powercreep.

EDIT: let me get one thing straight. I’m not against the 2A7V. I’m against a 2A7V with the improved hull composite.

Oh, yeah, one hit. One out of 3. You can see the other trails of the other two flying over it

AGM-78 - Based on RIM Naval Missile - USA
AGM-76 - USA
AGM-136A - USA
Martel AS-37 - France, United Kingdom
I am sure there are more from the whole NATO alliance

so instead of missiles that have limited use in game you want some that have absolutely no use and then change the whole game to give em a purpose

they’re never gonna do that, they didn’t even add Naval targets for AShMs or finish them

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thats the thing, realisticaly the 2a7v only exists with upgrade the improved armor was one of the main reasons for the whole upgrade besides the gun in the first place


you spend years adding more and more IR/SARH missiles, powercreeping them more and more with no end of further powercreep in sight, but you can’t be bothered to add one more button for separate flare/chaff? yeah, we can really see the money from all those 70$ premiums is being put to good use …