Major Update “Air Superiority” - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 3)

No, it did carried aim-120. Sorry for wrong wording

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They certainly are not to small to lock on to IRL.

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Okay. Still we should have already got a Gripen A. Instead of JA37D

they’d be a good counter to Pantsir and others

if you’d introduce them to platforms that have no other guided A2G armarment like a Tornado ECR or an F4G they’d be pretty balanced imo

JA-37D needs AMRAAM imo

just AiM-9L and BOL Pod doesn’t justify it’s existence

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The T-90M isn’t really going to change anything in the top tier meta though and the new M1A1 HC might do more damage to US top tier than the SEPv2 could fix. Really too early to tell for the latter.

2A7V is going to be the really troublesome addition depending on how it gets added.

I never meant small anti-radiation missiles for taking out small SHORAD etc.
No HARMs, or whatever else.
Gaijin said somewhere they are doubting whether or not a Pantsirs radar could be locked on, or whatever, and that’s why the ARMs everyone thinks of aren’t present.
I meant the big ones, for you know, bombing radar installations as I mentioned
Kh-28s, Kh-58s, NATO equivalents.


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Gameplay wise, it will not be that different to the Strv 122s that have been roaming around the game since 2020…


They could give Aim-9L and BOL Pod to JA37C (which it carried) and move it to 11.3…pretty much what JA37D is now. But no, Smin told me that it would make to big of a gap in TT

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the NATO equivalent is HARM

Gaijin is a for-profit company, I don’t see wherein the surprise or issue lies.
Balance updates will happen at some point anyways.


If it gets added with both the add on armor and the improved hull composite people are talking about it has the potential to equal or surpass the original M1 and Leopard 2A5 stompfest when those thing launched.

That is the worrying release state. If it’s just a 2A6 with the add on armor and better thermals it won’t be any problem.

So like I said, it’s a troublesome addition depending on how it gets added.

a gap there would be a Perfect place to put a Danish Draken

I just love who people thing this game can survive without,

  1. New nations
  2. Top tier jets premiums
  3. No C&P

It’s clear we need something like an Enduring Confrontation game mode for air. Something with multiple spawns and respawns of aircraft. A large enough map with the right incentives to allow people to do air to ground attacks, whether it’s base-bombing, CAS for friendly units, or Wild Weasel/ARM work. It would be fun to see the devs hard work pay off on these nice maps by encouraging them to make certain strategic targets on the map objectives to be destroyed, not just “bases”. Like give us points for dropping bridges, neutralizing “HQ” houses, hitting HVT’s in moving vehicles…

@Morvran So that premium Tornado, I guess it’s basically going to be like a premium German early vark?


I wouldn’t be surprised if War Thunder could survive a few years without any further updates, but with the business model that was set up for the game it would be very difficult without such additions that you kentioned.


it’ll be the Ju288 of high tier

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it’s a service game so they need to build up waves of hype

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I really hope it’s at least 11.3 then. Tough enough to bomb stuff at 10.0 with the crappy ass vark.

Like. If they would give JA37C its stuffs (9l and bol pods), move it to 11.3 and give up Gripen A instead of JA37D, it would make much bigger sense then what they did.

And for Danish Draken, YES please. I want more Draken version, later version of both Swedish and Finnish Drakens.