Major Update “Air Superiority” - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 3)

This question can also be applied to air

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Challenger 2, take it or leave it

UK main about to mald. But I hope France finally get a true IFV in the tech tree instead of AMX-10P or VBCI MTC30.


These are as true IFVs as any other, why wouldn’t they be?

France should get some actual IFVs for sure, same with Britian, China and Israel.

I’m at that stage where i’m silently hoping for a CF-18 but know in my heart of hearts, Gaijin is slowly sliding a Tornado AOP in my direction and calling it a “New Jet” lol

AMX-10P is armed with puny 20mm and MTC30 is a premium. What the comparision to like Bradley or BMP?


And to ground XD

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Agreed, they could have added 40mm version of VBCI in the tech tree but bruh.


There needs to be no comparison with others in order for something to be an IFV.

You’ll have another misrepresented and useless Leclerc and you’ll be happy

See Novorossiysk will be at lower br compared to its Italian tt sisterships.

Another ~6.0 cruiser for the US. What a totally necessary and interesting addition. They totally don’t have many of those. And an anti-air cruiser too, because aircraft are such a problem in naval.

I really hope this is isn’t going to be one of the main additions for naval because this is just a joke at this point. Rank 6 added, no new ships for it for several patches so far, and of course France added and… no new additions, no top tiers for the tree, and none of the good cruisers either.


As much as I hate to say it: Naval isn’t where Gaijins money is and is on the back burner. You’re the scraps of the games content :c

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Im telling you now we are getting something foreign and moat likely SAAF Gripen

I bet against that, I say we’ll get a Tornado F.3 CSP

It’d be a controversial addition but i’ll take it.

It’s just that South Africa almost exclusively used IR missiles like IRIS-T on their jets, so we’d be without a good radar + missile combo unless they gave us a “what if” loadout

When I look at the comments, I have to say hello Gaijn, you’ve done it again! Sowing so much disappointment, are you actually doing it on purpose? Is someone following a bigger plan?

Like you said, they already have enough, so its nice to just have a unique vehicle in the game.
Lets ask for more copy paste jets for all nations instead.

Tornado F.3 CSP/AOP would be such a slap in the jewels

so just like a Tornado Prototype as a prem