Major Update “Air Superiority” - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 3)

Thanks very much, but what is the J9 early?

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From what I could find, it looks like a J8F, but delta wing with canards. A cancelled program for an Air to Air fighter for China from my searches.


There looks like two models. A and B. B being the delta, A being a standard jet with nonstandard wings but maintains a tailfin section.


Is this actually legit? I’d empty my wallet to get Mutsu.

It’s come straight from Olivias leak server. Nothing she posts is guaranteed to be coming, just found in either the game files or they have a credible inside source to suggest its addition at some point.

They’ve been right, essentially every time though so i’d be surprised if it didnt show up at some point.

yay more useless pre ww1 dreadnaughts

I know that part, I just wanted to know if the screenshot was legit and not a fake. Just knowing one of the only three vehicles I’m still interested in that isn’t in the game yet is sooner that I thought is pretty exciting.

I took it from my own device when requested by the other guy lol
There’s plenty of links to her leak server around if you want to verify it, but thats what she posted

Could JAS39A get HMD? Didn’t it test ODEN HMD?

There’s a lot more than 2 models lol. It also had PL-4 developed specifically for this jet.


A friend shared it with me. No idea if it’s legit.
Probably been shared here before too but here goes.
Thanks @Major_Majestic36

J9 Early would make for a great premium imo. 4 wonky aim7 equivalents on a high powered interceptor. Would love that in sim amd casually grind out China. J7E sucks at 11.0.


recently they started posting nonsense

Would make for a good premium I’d say. Not mass produced and missiles not OP but better range than what the current China premium gets. A premium for two of the main air to air play styles.

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Seversky J9, a Swedish P-35


Thats dissappointing. Any examples?
Maybe they came out later. We don’t know what info they have access too. Maybe already outdated by the time it reaches them and then us.

Or they are full of it nowadays and keep posting for the sake of it.

Or they are being fed mis information.

Or it’s a Gaijin agent from the beginning and feeding us some BS to keep us on our toes.

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A shucks, you’re probably right.
Ah well…

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That’d be pretty cool. I was wondering when we’d see the P-35.

The J-9 looks very good, but unfortunately it is gone, but its technology platform was used to develop the J-10

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I hope more aircraft get blue notes added, notably the hunter