Major Update “Air Superiority” - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 3)

According to people here the extra pressure of the L55A1 should give it around 20-30mm more pen. Nothing major, but still nice.

Also the only reason the other dude is likely mostly interested in the gun is because it was also mounted on the Challenger 2 LEP.

We’ll see, but I’m definitely way more interested in how Gaijin makes that armour work since it’s known that it is much improved than previous generations

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Isn’t it tommorow ?

Any chance for new mission types such as AIR RB EC this update? I don’t know how long my stamina lasts in the current state of AIR RB before I will have to take a big break again.


My theory is that they will just keep the hull composite the same as the 2A6 and give it the add on armor.

They are kind of jumping the gun with the 2A7V, and I prefer it being a Strv 122 counterpart instead of the next meta dominating super tank.

I don’t believe DM73 is as powerful as you guys think it is. It uses basically the same penetrator as DM53, only propellant has changed to give it ~8% more energy over DM63A1.

Estimated Penetration of DM73:

For reference DM53:


Source for DM73 velocity:


Screenshot 2023-12-04 at 9.18.28 PM

Overall, it would give approximately ~11mm more max pen at 0 degrees


Pressure doesn’t work like that. You need a new ammo to make use or the new pressure limit. This ammo is DM73

I thought that the original post was saying T8 ground and not specified when. If what you are saying is right, then we will see in few hours (1-3h since now)

can you tell me the site i forgot it

Could be that they said something slightly different. I was going of memory of what I thought was said, but I sadly have a lot of things on my mind, so I probably mixed a few things up.

would be kinda shitty, but at the same time makes some sense i suppose, and it will still be a lot more survivable than current 2A6 and PSO

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You mean the article for the 8% increase in energy?

To some posts further up, the A7V armor wasnt bad nor normal steel, it was a bit below requirements and quality, as the factories didnt know at the time (nor had the capebilitys) to preduce 30mm Armor grade steel, which they had problems with and making good armor steel like for ships on the thickness of 30mm was also not really possible. But that wouldnt be represented anyway.
However it would still lack in firepowe, as it would have only have up to 30mm/10m penetration at 401m/s (for more info look at the suggestion, i made a comment about the ammo there.)
Also they could add 3 Großtraktoren, a normal one, the Rheinmetall 7,5 cm and 3,7 cm Testbed as well as the Daimler Benz 7,5 cm L/36 test bed.

Yeah it is shitty from a historical accuracy/realism pov. Which is why I think they jumped the gun with the 2A7V and should have stuck with the 2A6E/EX, PSO-VT or whatever.

However for a balance pov it would be better to not let a realistic 2A7V to the game any time soon.

A 2A6 with add on would still have Strv 122 level armor, which is very good in the current meta.

tbf when the 2A5 got introduced it was quite the extreme leap forward, even with only DM33, cuz other tanks only had somewhat subpar rounds as well

so we might see another 2A5 incident all over again

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I don’t think there have been any top tier MBT additions that were more broken than the 2A5 and original M1.

I absolutely hope not, but then again I can’t say I haven’t considered the possibility as well.

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no the site for calculating pen


After sleeping all night and working all day, we actually got the third part. Maybe we can go to the fourth part before the trailer is released