Major Update “Air Superiority” - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 3)

if they really had some the US wouldn’t have went in anyways

no back to the game

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how likely do you believe it is that grippy me boy gets renamed to C or a halfway realistic loadout?

Fair enough

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I hope so.

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Nonthey gonna give Sweden the gripen C next major most likely with AMRAAMS
This is why i think they don’t have the C now

im fine with that, if they make the A into an A

juat remove the GBUs, we al know the Ms are kinda reqired for it to be 12.0 now so they couldn’t take those

but imo they can take the slyflash too

Skyflash are just bad at that br
I think they are gonna keep all the ground stuff on it though

yes and Ahistorical too

I think the Centauro II from the list has a decent chance of still being added.

The CV90120 got moved to rank VIII while the Centauro 120 stayed at rank VII, when both are the same BR.

This indicates to me that they want to fill that rank VIII spot for Italy with something else. And as of now Italy only has 1 rank VIII ground in the form of the AMV.

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There was something about the A version being able to use skyflashes

Italy has still been yet to be shown so maybe


That’s what makes stuff like 73 Easting, and Wings over Iraq so frustrating. Like yes, it was a masterfully planned attack. Truly world class. But it was against an enemy who while strong in spirit, was weak in material strength. Was it cool to watch the world beat up on Saddam? I guess? I don’t want to get political so I’m going to stay away from that.

But to think that the US is this complete powerhouse because of Iraq is ludicrous, and it’s hard not to laugh at US mains (I’m a US citizen btw) who think that anything short of the complete domination in every game mode is unrealistic.

People don’t get that war is war. Makes no difference who made the bullet or the bomb so long as it does it’s job. We like to worship our favorite planes, tanks, etc (guilty of massive Flanker fanboyism myself), but we forget that these are just tools, and they only have to their job once sometimes to be effective. Maybe the Strv 122 outclasses even the T-90M in optical range/quality and protection (or whatever people want to claim). Doesn’t mean an anti-tank mine wont detrack it. Doesn’t mean an AT mine won’t set a multi-million dollar turbo engine on fire (Abrams). Just takes a mobility kill and an ATGM to end most modern tanks.

Anyways, endrant lol.

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so with the 27 being here now isnt it about time for them to a keybind to just turn off limiters?.. you know? as they shouldve ages ago? not entirely unimportant,
and no, cycling through control modes isnt good enough. its annoying
preferably something you hold down so its quicker to use and more sensible sicne youre not going to use it for long periouds of time anyways


Javelin go wooosh

the jav has quite a lot of issues :p

Oh, part 4 coming very soon

i hope people will want to discuss the jav. its partially in the hopes people will talk and partially true

Well, beary anyone will do so unless there is a topic around it or it is on thing that is coming

I want HMD on my Grippy too


idea is that theres always that one US main to who its physically impossible a nato weapon isnt a superweapon and will go to great lengths to convince someone with most of the sources being “his mind”
im also just incredibly bored rn and need something to do so yeah