Major Update “Air Superiority” - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 3)

is the LOSAT getting the lock and track system ?
Also XM8 for over years still missing the smoke on level 3 armor :/

Again soviet players tell everybody that soviet vehicles quite balanced or even worse than anything else)

Soviet vehicles are balanced for the most part tbh, they only “overperform” everything at top tier.

Complete false because how are they able to carry these then ?

Again they modelled a gun port for it if I’m not mistaken

Look at the loadouts on other top tier jets then get back to me.

Dude what is even that logic ? IF we can’t have the EAP then why should the 737 have more rights then it ?

We have the YAK 141, F-16AJ and soon the Mirage 4000 so again not a reason.

That more than the AJ and yet fake weapons are far more real than a paper advert
and should not effect gaijin.

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You don’t require wiring to slap some mock up dummy missiles to an aircraft. The aircraft has no weapon systems on board at all.


The Yak-141 and Mirage 4000 both had weapons planned, mounted or tested. Both had detailed plans on exactly what weaponary and systems they would get. They are both prototypes of what would be combat aircraft.

The AJ is just a standard block 10 F-16A.

Meanwhile the EAP is a technology demonstratior never fitted with any military equipment and used as a proof of concept for BAEs designs and manufacturing technology to prove it worked.

Gripen C is a far more viable option that makes use of Britians existing sub tree.


They’re dummy missiles. They aren’t actually even socketted into a real rail. They’re fake placeholder mockups or the real missiles to simulate the drag that having them onboard would provide to test aerodynamics.

They intended for the actual Eurofighter to have a gun. Since EAP is an aerodynamics test bed, you need to simulate the gun port as well. There isnt actually a gun or any armament onboard.

The loadout of top tier jets in the game mean nothing. This jet has literally no working wiring. It never existed inside the jet or was planned to exist. It physically cannot fire anything.

Because it’s just as rediculous as asking for a jet which never mounted armament and was never going to mount armament.

All of these are combat jets, with at the BARE MINIMUM the intent to arm them. EAP was never intended to be armed. Its not a combat jet. It was never going to conduct firing exercises. It was for flying around to test handling only.

The F16AJ was at least a proposed combat jet. EAP wasnt.


Seriously misplaced desire here. If you want a test eurofighter or very early eurofighter that does literally everything you are wanting or claiming the EAP does: Look at Eurofighter DA.2

This jet IS a combat jet. Conducted live fire tests and is one of the very early stages of the eurofighter development aircraft. It’s EAP with weapons essentially.
Just go fight for DA.2 not EAP.


I mean can’t you just use early prototypes and EAP and merge them into one aircraft ?

Use the prototype Typhoons internals and more or less have a 1 to 1 model of the EAP.

Which im very excited to see in next weeks dev server hopefully

No you can’t. EAP is a completely seperate built airframe to Eurofighter DA aircraf built for different reasons.

EAP = Borderline civilian plane never intended for missiles or anything beyond taking off, flying and landing.

Eurofighter DA.2 = Literally what you’re asking for but it exists

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F2A when?

I can’t make this any clearer. EAP is not a half-finished combat jet like YAK-141. It’s not a concept fighter jet like F16AJ

It’s a flight test plane. That’s it. Only flying. It lacks the wires, cables, systems, even a trigger to fire anything.

Eurofighter DA.2 is very similar to EAP but it actually fires missiles. Just root for DA.2, NOT EAP.

In no reality even with an endless budget was EAP planned to have real weapons

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We got denied any Typhoons variants as they are too advanced.
If we were to get the Da.2 you know for a fact gaijin will use that excuse to add more powerful jets.
To both Russia and the US we are already seeing it with the Gripen C. If other main don’t want Britain to be top dog even just for a month then the Da.2 won’t arrive until we past that stage where the US and Russia status won’t be threatened.

A wind tunnel model was made for the J9

When should Ground Battles open?

Gripen C will hold us over till BVR

Will the SAAF Gripen get them at any point in the future?

Dude, EAP is literally a eurofighter test platform. That’s what the E is lmao
You’re asking for a eurofighter already, just asking for the wrong one.

I doubt it