Major Update “Air Superiority” - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 3)

Type it in google, you will see

I wish, but Black Eagle is kinda too much to wish for, after all Russia didnt allow much info to get into public and at some point even completely denied its existence.
Also Im pretty sure it doesnt have 152mm gun.

Challenger 2 OES you mean?

Nah, the other one

Oh, CR2 TES?

It was tested with HOSBO, a MK82 bomb with an electro-optical glide bomb guidance kit.

Read more here: Diehl BGT Defence HOSBO Glide Bomb


I saw what it is and I wouldn’t discribe it as a tank Xd

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No, the CR2 3 black square on the first part of the leak list, OES was on second

that would be such a Rat behaviour if they made it exclusive to a premium

Maybe CLIP

no glodveb?

LIP LEP CSP SF2 130. All the possibilites

Expect it to drop in 10 minutes

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You don’t want to post that CLIP or better to say video here😂😂😁

Its from the leak list i say LEP as there gonna add the gun with the new leo so why not add the British one with it

i realy hope that wont be premium exclusive, thats sth the tech tree one needs as well

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LEP cant come. It only had 6 rounds.

Chally 2 with 16 shells at max. Yippeeee

Haha, same for Mirage 2000s: they looks “naked” to me ingame because usually they are used with 2 wings fuel pod that are so good looking :D




Thats the clip or a early LEP
Im on about the one that basically a CR3 prototype form 2019 i think