Major Update “Air Superiority” - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 3)

well theyre used without those pods because they take up the spot of the super 530Ds…

That LEP

for the 3rd time, that’s the CLIP, not the LEP, the LEP is a program, CR3, BN, those are part of the LEP program

Not a problem for the 2000D
And not a problem the day we gonna have MICAs :p


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Yes, but everytime it comes up, they’re referring to the 120MM Rheinmetall mounted gun, which only held 6 rounds.

Yeah LEP isn’t a tank i just call it the LEP as i don’t know what eles to call it

Challenger 2 Life extension Programme

Theirs more then one that had that gun

Anyway, this leak list looks really good for now.


You like it cause Mirrage 4000 right

Dont forget the ATD

as long as you are one of the named nations yeah xD

This is the tank i want basically the CR3 prototype

Of course !

Even if i’m scared for it to come in the same time as F-15 and Su27, i would like it to come before since it’s not a BVR plane like those, but we will see.

The F-15 in there looks juicy

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Alright let me just ask the big question on everyone’s mind here regarding the leak list…

@Smin1080p You’ve mentioned in the past that Britian is receiving a new top tier jet this update. Is this still the case or has this statement changed since then?

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They haven’t changed their mind in two days

it still is very early, so i believe it to still be the case. The leaker might have left it specialy out of the list as well for the controversy and stir conversation etc

That is the thing you have in mind

Mirage 4000 for the winter event