Major Update “Air Superiority” - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 3)

I would argue Italy has received tons of content this year

Well, it gonna get a big boy in the future, might aswell finish the tree so you can immediately research it when it comes.

Either that or them giving it the darter-a python 4 equivalent, IR only, are the only likely options left for top tier britain this update imo.

and a Tornado F.3 CSP

I’ll repeat that thing until you all start to list it too

i see the them just giving it a fictional loadout
This is why i wanted the CF18 as it would have a neat loadout

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And ill repeat this

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I just doubt it unless we get amraams.

which is still likely, we were all 100% sure we’d get them just a week ago and for no particular reason gave up on them entirely

IIRC only the Gripen with the Volvo Aero RM12 make that sound in the video.
i mean we know gaijin is capable of giving jets individual sounds (F-104s)

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We have only seen 2 questionable leaks containing amraams though. So I’m not sure where that likely is coming from?

that likely was there before

we’ll also see JAS39 according to both leaks and that thing basically needs AMRAAMs to be any better than 11.3

it cause we know the Gripen is coming and it only has sidewinders and AMRAAMS

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I think everything that can mount amraams and their equivalents above 11.7 also kind of needs them to compete with the F-15 and Su-27.

Assuming the Su-27s and F-15s would be added without them.

Early su27 couldn’t mount them


So, the gripen is official, any specific model of it?

It should be C model for Sweden…but dont know if it even get radar missiles

Gripen C

Hmm, wanna see the Iris-T with thrust vectoring and 25km range, I don’t remember, but I think the D model is the “multirole/strike”

two seater no gun