Main problem is still the Pantsir-issue

Which Gaijin has failed to do, so removing it is the more sensible option since parity is something Gaijin acts like it’s absolutely allergic to.

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The fact remains Russia or the game didnt need Pantsir. No one was suffering or dominating to a point Pantsir was a necessary counter.

have you looked at Tac view with a Pantsir Radar and compared it to every other nations top tier SAM?
It has an AESA Radar (well its certainly acting like that) You cannot hide from it in any form. as soon as you could be theoretically detected it has detected you and calculated a firing solution.


Nerf the Radar (it may not be realistic but that AESA type Radar it uses) puts it at a massive advantage
only allow it to guide a single missile like every other Sam in game.

Iirc the Tor M1 can also multi-fire, so that kind of nerf would also have to apply to the Tor.

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I would say that TOR is perfectly balanced, it’s annoying to deal with at some distances, as it should be.
Be realistic, they won’t remove pantsir, or nerf it. You ask why? I can’t come up with explanation that wouldn’t get my post removed/flagged etc, but I’ll try. ru community of WT is pretty… Well, it’s a mess, to say the least, gaijin would get their rear eaten alive if they would do something like that because guess what ru community that is used to being handheld for years would say? You’re right, they would call you all cry boys and tell that gaijin is there exclusively for money, or something like that. They put themselves in a trap where there’s practically no way out, so the only way they can go is to make those who are used to cope - cope a bit more, and those are you all and me as well. Unfortunatelly that’s how it was, how it is and how it will be, unless something unforseen happens. We can make a small “book of cope without a hope” containing all the suffering gajomb put all of us through for the sake of soviet mains not being upset too much.


Just reviving this here to say that on Red flag nations have decent AAs.

If the problem is that the whole world decided to no built systems similar to Panstir, then give US the Lybian version as premium.

Snail will be happy, same as the players from minor nations that will have some balance in the matches, since US rarely plays along URSS.

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Pantsir is also so easymode cause all radar contacts are shown with green brackets in third person view. Its hard to miss anything, its like arcade mode player brackets while all others play Ground RB without brackets. They just have their flat radar screen.


“no normal fully autonomous short-range complexes is not the fault of the USSR” First of all, NATO DO HAVE comparable systems like the CAMM, or all kinds of mobile IRST/ASRAAM/AMRAAM launchers, and most of them don’t require a separate radar carrier and is perfectly suitable for the game. Also, NATO has countless equipment designed to target objects like the panstir, including ARMs and many atgm variants like AGM114L and brimstone. If you think it’s fair that NATO doesn’t have a panstir equivalent, it should be also fine that NATO has something RUS doesn’t have. But we all see what Gaijin has done to the brimstone. What can I say?


I don’t think it’s fair to add missiles that can be launched in a bunch of 20 pieces, without capture, so that when they approach the target, they themselves randomly capture everything in a row and kill half of the allied team, but they defeated the evil Pantsir. The developers have clearly made it clear that there will be no A2G missiles with LOAL and radar. As for missile systems, I don’t even want to answer this nonsense. Amraams will be trash, and iris t or Spyder will cover the sky with autonomous rockets.

In terms of brimstone, they can just nerf it to 6 pieces. They’ve done similar fictional changes to countless other stuff, and it is still better than just making up a frictional version of brimstone. Other proposed solutions, including changing the projectile of hellfire to a gliding path so that it is not stupidly slow and can intercept AAMs like what 9M127 does,are never applied. Every single trace shows that they just don’t want to do harm to Panstir domination.

In terms of missile systems, AMRAAMS can do a lot better than ADATS and can be a good supplement. ADATS lacks its radar tracking and is useless in foggy/cloudy maps. For things like irist, there are variants like IRIS-T SLS that is basically the same as 81C and I don’t see why they would be too much for the game.


Considering that the developer has already announced that he is working on new air defense systems, I don’t think this topic makes sense in principle. Even Pantsir is suffering greatly from aviation in the current conditions, and new, more advanced air defense systems will be added. There is no need for Amraams anymore. And the developers will add 114L when they see fit. The US still has a lot of A2G weapons to add.

I mean they testes the towing mechanism… imagine setting up a radar point (the like with the thingy that lets you dig in the ground) you set up fireing positions and either get screwed by a newly adder harms or you screw the planes… oh if they get close you can’t do much so there is where the close range aa steps in ;d

It’s time for next gen spaa, top tier grb is a cas sh!t show right now and it’s not going to get any better unless they either introduce new systems or swap pantsir with TOR and remove the new TOR along with kh-38.

Or at very minimum reduce sp required for air to air loadouts

Pantsir isn’t OP, it’s the best and only useable SPAA by a massive margin. There’s a difference.

Plenty of modern CAS absolutely beat the shit out of it. It only seems OP because it’s the only one which can even fight back.

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So it’s OP as a SAM then considering as you said it is massively superior to any other SAM? And is thus above the benchmark set

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No. Everything else is dogshit.

There’s a difference. OP means Overpowered. The Pantsir is not overpowered, it’s just leagues better than every other SPAA. When it comes to SPAA, even it struggles with these new toys.

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Yes Overpowered as a SAM, A SAMS job is to kill planes that’s the metric the Pantsir has been by and far the best at doing that hence it is overpowered in what it is in game to do.

Yes new CAS is making the Pantsir less relevant with new airframes that have the energy to defeat the missiles.

It’s not overpowered as a SAM because it can hardly fend off top-tier CAS.

You mean the 3 new jets added since the last update…

What about prior to that? Things move on in War thunder Pantsir is still the best sam by a country mile.

The SM3 was already beyond its capabilities. The F-15C models also had Mavericks capable of putting them into the ground. Hell, even my A-10C with glidebombs destroys them every time.