Yes Overpowered as a SAM, A SAMS job is to kill planes that’s the metric the Pantsir has been by and far the best at doing that hence it is overpowered in what it is in game to do.
Yes new CAS is making the Pantsir less relevant with new airframes that have the energy to defeat the missiles.
The SM3 was already beyond its capabilities. The F-15C models also had Mavericks capable of putting them into the ground. Hell, even my A-10C with glidebombs destroys them every time.
I understand the sentiment, and I was the same… but it really is the best interim fix.
As a Japan main now, I don’t really play arb much, but I do play GRB and grind my planes that way. I now have the 12.0 f16 and it’s the best to go after planes and tanks.
There does become a point where you’re the detriment if you aren’t able to contribute to your team in the most meaningful way you can. Unfortunately for most nations that is CAP. Even pantsir is not good enough for good players but most GRB players aren’t the best.
I beat f15e’s and typhoons in my f16aj. Just run radar off and close from the sides when you see someone. Or fire off an aim7 and crank to get on their side and close distance and use it as a distraction to close WVR then radar off and come in guns blazing with 9l’s.
All this said, we still need meaningful SPAA… but we don’t have it, so do what you can.
Also, GRB max I think it’s 12.7(but don’t quote me) so you’re really only 1 br away.
They break arb up because it’s only plane on plane so those small difference or big ones manifest is much larger ways which is why larger decompression occurred. GRB is more that AA gameplay so planes aren’t br’d the same way.
just add Nasam symestems basically ground based aim120 its a good a equivlent you could also do Ciws truck aswell as thats good to NASAMS - Wikipedia
4 120s and 2 aim9X sidewinders
I don’t understand how one can look at the Pantsir and then at other nations’ SAMs and think, “Fair and balanced” Some arguments in this chat are valid, like the fact that CAS is kind of overpowered I agree. But doesn’t having an insanely good SAM compared to others make CAS even more overpowered? By that logic, USSR CAS has a much easier time performing well than any other nation at the moment. Just imagine spawning in a plane and having to immediately defend because two Pantsirs have fired at you the second you spawned. Not to mention that NATO plane RWR doesn’t even work against the Pantsir anymore. That SAM should never have been added, period. At the very least, it should have been nerfed to be in line with other SAMs.
I really love how constructive and smart you are! Though, watch out your IQ is leaking, you should patch that up. Now, do you have any other well developed and thoughtful ideas to share?
As much as I’d love to see them, just like the Pantsir, they would be broken. Hear me out giving it to everyone (the US and USSR in this case) wouldn’t fix the issue of SAM bias in favor of the USSR. Simply adding things like the AGM-88 to the US would just create the opposite problem, leading to total US supremacy in CAS. This brings us back to the argument that the Pantsir shouldn’t have been added in the first place. Yet as a matter fact is, it was, and Gaijin doesn’t seem to give a flying fuck about fixing it.
Yes, I know I only mentioned the US and USSR to simplify things. However, my point still stands, it would make CAS even more overpowered by clubbing SAMs even further, while the Pantsir would still remain the best by a long shot.
Turn off the radar and any anti-radar missile will not hit. Even the pantsir is no longer enough, given the abundance of CAS . Stop crying already. They will add stationary air defense systems for NATO countries. True, they won’t get close at all, but I think you’ll manage somehow.