M53/59 BR Increase Needed

6.3 is too low, it’s more effective than any SPAA under 7.3 so it should be 7.0.


The whole point of it was to fill gaps, I don’t think this is necessary.

I still wonder why it gets a full HVAP belt at 6.3 but the Kugel, at 7.0 for some reason, cannot have on, even after all the German HVAP got nerfed.


Gaijin has a BR tax on any SPAA that can survive being strafed out by machine guns. See also the Skink and Crusader AA Mk II. Any SPAA that can be a credible threat to CAS and cannot be neutralized by a half second machine gun burst needs to be at a drastically higher BR, for some reason.



As for what the OP is asking for, keep in mind that if you send the Praga up too much, it will meet vehicles with lighter armour that it can just tear to shreds. You’d turn it into even more of a tank destroyer than it already is (which I agree is too much).

not an effective anti-aircraft gun to be torn to pieces by supersonic aircraft…
this anti-aircraft gun is placed from 5.3 to 6.no more.

Yet the Praga is infinitely more survivable than a Kugel against everything else, where a Kugel will get one shot as a Panzer IV at 7.0, and the roof is only 10mm anyways so it still gets strafed by most things.

It’s fine as a spaa, the main issue is players abusing it as a td. Spaa is already quite underpowered pre-radar and should not be nerfed or to just worsen the CAS problem many players complain about.

M53/59s have been consistently one-shotting my aircraft at great distances (600m+). When I say one-shot, I mean like just single-tapping, not even a burst. Although as we all know enemy AAs are (probably) always lvl100 players unless they are 5.3 Germany, it’s still kinda rediculous.
I sometimes feel like it’s even more effective than M163 which is BR7.7 and has radar tracking

And FYI, no, I’m not diving straight down, nor flying straight away

Easy fix: learn to play with tanks and play your AIRcrafts in AIR mode.

it isnt the kugel is far more survivable, the turret roof is 20mm and the hull roof is 16mm, and it is fully closed so it is much harder to over pressure, while the praga’s roof is 6mm and the gunner is exposed so rockets can easily kill it.

You can kill a gunner but that doesn’t kill the vehicle, the Kugel gets one shot.

rockets will kill the gunner way more easily and also the tank, it has like 6… all around, and it is the same againts aircrafts guns, the kugel is by all means better protected against aircrafts, also against tanks as .50 can just kill anyone, even .30 cal can kill the crew at short ranges. to kill a kugel with guns you have to go with a good angle and be like 500m away, and aginst rocket like hvar you have to directly hit it or hit extremely close.

I love how .50s get brought up all the time as if that’s not just US getting handheld like crazy with then.

you can kill the praga with 7mm at close range…

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Which also a lot of vehicles do not have.

most vehicles will have a 7mm coaxial… also literally all HE will one shot it.

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passions for this anti-aircraft gun are quite funny. minimum guidance speed, microscopic number of shells, mobility like a tectonic plate.

There are machine guns in the game that can shoot down 11-13 planes in a battle. Well… there were… Sit tibi terra levis

Ngl it would be fine at 7.0. It’s pretty resistant to being strafed, and 1-shots literally any aircraft.