M3A3 Bradley, BR discussion

The TOW can notionally be fired “on the move” because they used to be launched from helicopters (and even then I think they were supposed to be fired from a hover). But, it is forbidden by ground vehicles because its very easy to snag the wires on things or break LOS etc.
IRL you can’t use a TOW in “CQC” like in WT because of minimum ranges, and sighting, and the limited maneuverability of the missile, etc.
You hit a bump in anything but a walking pace and you will bend or break the launcher arm and mech, and that will be a lot of paperwork and asschewings.


Paperwork is less scary than death, if only by a little.
I’ve seen several examples of a Bradley hauling ass in Ukraine with the launcher deployed on dirt roads, surely firing on the move would not be ideal but neither would it be in game, but it doesn’t mean it should be prohibited based on real world military doctrine, that seems like a very weird path to go down on in a videogame.


It’s part of the Bradley’s FCS to limit launch of TOWs when at speed.

That just means they forgot to lower the launcher or it was already broken (from the above).
I wasn’t a Brad mechanic much less crewed one, so IDK what the real world limits are. But by.the.book, it can’t.

Try playing the Desert Warrior, lol. Same BR with:
-Worse gun
-No elevated launcher
-No elevated commander sight
-Crap optics
-No spall liner
-Less missiles

All for “better mobility” that you won’t be using anyway because of the way these vehicles are played.

1- Effectively the same gun.
2- Launchers are elevated:
3- CITV/commander sight isn’t as necessary as people make it out to be otherwise BMP-2M is suffering.
4- Gen 2 thermals through 8x. It’s good enough.
5- IR Tracking [no IFV has IRST] is not relevant for IFVs as much as people make it out to be.
6- Not special, most don’t.
7- 10 vs 12, effectively no difference in missiles.


Source for it being damaged if driven while its lifted?

Actually a somewhat sound take.


This is arguably a pro, considering you don’t have to wait for the launcher to unfold.

Hmmm I guess there’s a tiny patch in front of the driver and some more next to the TOW missiles (which will explode regardless), so technically the Bradley has spall liner. In practice, no, it doesn’t.

haha, sure


No and they need to add that it has to be level to shoot the ATGM´s in the first place and nto this handholding that you an do it on every incine and angel. Limit it more so it closer to RL.

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2S38 is used for AA and as a light tank. You have scouting, a literal UAV, proxy rounds, high penetration APFSDS rounds (for what it is). It is, in my opinion, a lower profile than the M3A3 (by this i mean your crew isn’t sitting in your turret.) you also have lazer warning (great for a spaa) which all contribute to why its better than the M3A3. What I am telling you right now is that the M3A3 isn’t suited for where its at. Its missiles are practically useless and its gun is also terrible. I agree the other tanks you mentioned are very powerful. I might even say the begleit is a better tank than the M3A3. It has a better profile and a better gun, only sacrificing .1 second in its reload speed for that extra penetration. not to mention it can also play AA. If you think the M3A3 is balanced and competitive at it’s BR, you’re delusional



Dodgy upload of the -10 TM . Page 2-366.

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@MistaFin @YeeT_and_Delete
Weird of you to accuse people of being delusional for wanting 2S38 to be 10.3… aka gaslighting.
And give the idea that 10.0 is likely too compressed with IFVs.

can you not read?
I said “If you think the M3A3 is balanced and competitive at it’s BR, you’re delusional”

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The only reason to take IFVs like the Bradley or autocannon vehicles like Type 87 RCV and 2S38 over MBTs is to make use of the autocannon, which requires you to push flanks and use mobility. Sitting and back and sniping with ATGMs is a waste, you’re better off just taking an MBT, all of which have APFSDS and LRFs at this BR.

That said
The Warriors don’t even feel all that mobile anymore, even the basic 8.0 Warrior feels sluggish

IFVs will never be a meta pick without making them absurdly undertiered like the 8.3 Puma, they’re flavour vehicles at best. The BMP-2M is considered “competitive” or “OP” because it can fire on the move, as if that’s some novel concept at a BR where everything has APFSDS in much bigger guns with 2-plane stabilisers, usually on similar if not more mobile platforms.

BRs for most IFVs could still be looked at imo: 10.0 for the M3A3, VCC80-30 and Desert Warrior seems harsh.

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excerpt? page number? a screenshot? im not combing through that document with the paywall.

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If you can’t do you own googling, you can buy the copy on Amazon.

Or you can give me an excerpt from the document you brought up.

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lol. Are you spoonfed at home too?