I don’t think 5.7 is warranted. It didn’t have any issues with being OP at 5.3, and there’s 0 reason to make it face King Tigers.
A Panther can easily shrug off things like a short 90mm whilst the Tiger 1 can’t even stop it at full 45 degree angling. Honestly, being able to get destroyed by SPAAs flanking you is a small price to pay for being able to shrug off nearly everything in a downtier, aside from a handful of HEAT tanks. It also fairs pretty well in uptiers to since it’s still decently mobile and has a very strong cannon.
Sorry but no, most of ther germans tanks move up in the last Bulshitratting changes were aroud 40% win ratio, in anothers nations they do it something similar, they just move up a lot of vehicles without any stats or balance criterion.
They want create some kind of decompression but is Gaijin and they just created even more compression and balance problems.
Is simple, Gaijin dont play his own game and thats why everything is a fuckg senseless dissater.
Oh yes, because You don’t have a turret that can be eaisly destroyed… oh wait
I’m not going to read 124 post, so I will just leave my 2 cents. First, I think comparing the M26 Pershing to heavy tanks is comparing apples to oranges. I think the M26 Pershing is fine at 6.7. Compared to the Panther you have a turret that will bounce shots, a low profile, and a better reverse gear. While fighting Panthers, having the height advantage against them will make your armor all that much stronger. The Panther F should be at 6.3 with its improvements over the previous models, but that’s a topic for another post. It has a faster reload and rangefinder.
Also let’s not forget the T-44 sits at 6.7.
Did you aim for the World of Tanks forum and end up here by mistake? This isn’t Warthunder you are describing in any point you made.
This… applies to literally any tank with an angled upper glacis?
The Panther F has a much slower turret traverse (15°/s instead of 20), and the turret is more vulnerable at closer ranges than the other Panthers (thicker, but it is flat and with little volumetric. It will stop weaker cannons at long range, but at close range those weaker cannons like the US 76 mm will have an easier time than with the other Panthers due to the fact that their turrets have more spots that just absorb rounds. Against stronger cannons the other Panther turrets are strictly better). It is better at long range, but worse at close range.
They increased the BR celling of top tier so they moved everything up, every nations WW2 tanks got a br increase, dont think Germany is special in this, this is exactly what I’m talking about, German mains are coddled the most by gaijin yet they complain the most, its how we end up with the T20 at 6.3 and the M4A3E8 at 5.7 despite being the exact same tank as the A2 at 5.3. Or its how we end up with French tanks shooting solid shot at 7.7. They go off of player stats.
the T20, a short 76 sherman, is the same br as the Tiger E, which has thicker armour and a better gun,
It’s higher BR than the Tiger (6.3 vs 6.0):
- Far greater acceleration
- Far higher top speeds both reverse and forwards
- Stabilizer
- .50 cal
- Reload
Mobility and the ability to react is meta in this game.
There is also no way you actually believe the T20 and M4A2 (76) are the same.
What??? the biggest complainers are the USA players base, they are the only i see crying and call unplayble vehicles with 70% win ratio in this forum LOL.
T20 is by far better tank.
Again, in the last BR changes Gaijin ignored completely the vehicle stats.
Tanks like Somua SM, AMX 50 or Lorraine 40T are extrely powerfull and good tanks his 7.7 is perfectly fine.
I am playing the USA M26 currently in a new 6.7 line up and its hardly modded.Its slow,no engine/filter modes and the gun dances around like crazy due to no mods there. I’m still having what I might call a fun game at 6.7 with it and I seem to be facing 6.7 as well ,not that many down tiers or uptiers.
It seems ok.Any 6.7 tank at 7.7 is going to struggle but I dont seem to be getting uptierd much in it.
I said 6.3 before but I m comparing it to the Tiger 2 and Panther.
I imagine it will be a good tank when the mods are complete.
The problem of the M26 is less that the tank is bad and more that those BRs are horribly compressed because of the BR changes.
Why would you even take an M26? You literally have upgrades over the M26 at the same BR, those being the T26E5, T26E1-1, M26E1, and then the other heavies like the T34. That lineup is loaded with tanks that are arguably just better because they are literally better M26s.
And at just 0.3 BRs higher, you have the M46 which is quite literally an M26 without the biggest flaw of the M26 (the lacklustre acceleration), plus HEAT-FS.
I am wondering why I am taking half of what I take,I have little choice at the moment.I have the M50,I have no idea if thats crap or good really ,I am trying to make it work and Im having some laughs with it in the right circumstances.I have the T25,m56,M4 76E8,the M26 and a Corsair premium.
Thats it.All but the Sherman are barely modified despite a good few games. I have no choice with the M26 currently but in my ignorance I am getting on OK with what might be a poor tank.Im not breaking any records but I am doing well enough to enjoy it and keep playing.Sure it could be dropped down but Im just saying a USA 6.7 novice in an unmodded tank is fairing reasonably well considering.
T26E5 is one of the best tanks in USA tree.
You should play a sim with that tank against Tiger II Ps!
God I remember playing it with a friend.
It’s so stupid.
It is not stupid.
T26E5 is nothing really special, pershing with extra armor that can be taken out quite eaisly. But, You need to use a brain in order to do that and many people fail at that.
It is stupid in the sim bracket I played. Because the Germans only get the Tiger II (P) as their top heavy, while the T26E5 is the US top heavy.
Do keep in mind that while the T26E5 does have weakspots, they are relatively small and that makes them more difficult to hit in Sim which forces you to use the actual gunner sight.