To simplify: why not bring the M247 American SPAA to 8.7 or 8.3?
As a comparison to the other 8.7 SPAA; France’s AMX 30-S DCA, the M247 is better for aircraft, but lacks somewhat in the ability to defend itself against ground targets. The M811 ammunition is helpful for overpressuring, though it is competing against 30 x 170 APDS rounds. Additionally, the AMX 30-S DCA carries a laser rangefinder, allowing it to accurately counter early helicopters.
Going even further as a theoretical downtier, the M247 does not seem much stronger than the hypothetical contemporaries at 8.3. It’s tracking isn’t that much stronger than the Gepard, nor its penetration values against tanks higher than the “Shilka” ZSU-23-4 (which is 8.0 in Ground RB, but it is the only current comparison to russian vehicles in the BR range).
I recognize that the M822 Variable Timing Fuze Shell does make it more competent at shooting down enemy aircraft than the alternatives, but given the prevelance of Ground to Air missles at 9.0 and onwards, I would opine that the M247 as a Ground RB SPAA would fit better receiving a change to 8.7 or even as low as 8.3.
Any criticism or comments are welcome, though I prefer it kept constructive.
Yeah, and the shells being low velocity is also a con.
Maybe not 8.3, but 8.7 would be a better fit considering something like a gepard is much, much better at both air and ground.(take it from a gepard player, even though i suck with it lol)
I made a minor mistake, as I haven’t yet unlocked it and had forgotten. The M247 does offer a Laser Rangefinder. I still believe it is compatible at 8.7
Give the AP back Yes, Make it lower br NO.
Check avg A2G weapons at the br… and the number of planes per battle… AAA is already too strong. It’s not top tier.
Oh, and,
Low tier stingers can bleed CAP speed away and force to kill. Faaaarrr more efficient than other actual CAP.
M247 is honestly one of the more annoying SPAAs to fight in a plane at that BR range, no tracers mean you dont know of you are being shot at until you suddenly explode in midair.
Plus if you do know its up, harder to find it to counter it/avoid it, unlike gepards which spew a nice long line of tracers for you to see and avoid.
Maybe not better but definitely close, because of the higher shell velocity. And it’s definitely better at g2g as its significantly faster than the m48 chassied m247
What are you talking about??? The M247 is the strongest SPAA at 9.0. It’s a 2S38 equivalent at 1.3 BR lower, only downsides being worse anti-tank ability, worse mobility, and slightly less powerful HE-VT shell. I am using this because people often complain about 2S38, comparing OTOMATIC with it, etc. To put into perspective, M247 has HE-VT round with 1100 m/s speed, 190 g TNT equivalent, 4 m proxy range, while 2S38 has shell with 1000 m/s, 231 g TNT, 6 m proxy range.
Did I not mention M247 has good search and tracking radars?, as well as a much faster firerate?
If you do not have guided weapons, there is no chance against the average M247 player. Even with helicopters, there is little chance against the M247, as the air will be filled with proxy rounds, and M247 can even easily intercept ATGMs by simply firing at them. Even early AGMs are ineffective against M247. It’s easily one of the most effective SPAA at the BR, and would be more balanced at 9.3 instead.
M247 is actually god tier SPAA, followed by PGZ09, which is easily the only SPAAs that can reliably intercept nuke planes and no other SPAAs in that respective br will come close. But… I don’t mind it being lowered in br because, f*** CAS that’s why, they should apply the air spawn point system to SPAA, so we can spawn the York at 8.0 for 500 sp or Strela at 9.0 for 600sp lmao at least give ground mains some satisfaction if you are not going to add a ground only gamemode
No, if anything it should go down to 7.7 since it’s ground battles bro, it’s an extremely boring vehicle to play and we should reward anyone who is even willing to put their tanks aside and sacrifice their fun just to combat the unwanted cancerous air pest who continue to ruin the fun of playing ground vehicles, these Chad level SPAAs should be available at lower br and serve as a big FU signs to CAS spammers and deny their entry to tank battle field, they can have their dogfight, catfight or cowfight outside of the battle field for anybody care as long as they do it outside and stop interfering with people who just wanted to enjoy playing ground vehicles.