Someone call the paramedics!
We have a patient for a mental hospital.
We are getting a U.S. 35mm 8.3 SPAA this update already, and the M247 with the VT fuze is incredibly powerful against planes and missiles. You can even take it up to top tier and still perform well, especially for point defense, which will finally be rewarded this update. Maybe they can give it an AP belt for better self-defense? It’s kinda odd it doesn’t have one since it should just be able to fire standard Bofors L/70 rounds.
Dafug you call paramedic for? You call 911 because I am extremely unstable and dangerous as I would try to get close, suddenly take off my clothes and start hugging you and won’t let go.
god no
this thing is a monster!
lowering the BR would be wrong.
It’s my go to AA when i need air-kills, anything closer than 4 km is cooked unless it’s a really skilled pilot.
Rejoice, your saviour is here.
what the fuck does this suppose to mean
Oh, it’s good that I have a hunting rifle (^_~)
What the fuck? The 38mm of pen are not even close to being as usefull for AT as the 68mm the Gepard has. And no the weird overpressure kills you can get once every 100 matches do not make up for this.
“in spaa duty”
Meaning killing planes, spaa = Self Propelled ANTI AIRCRAFT!!
And it kill planes like noone at that BR.
Wasn’t aware until you mentioned it, and then the officially announced it today! Great keeping a tab on this one
They overpressure quite often in my experience… but the SPAA part was/is more important