M1a2s at top tier

The SEP is the best tank in the US TT because of the gen2 thermals. SEPv2 is a downgrade due to weight.

but what if they gave all m1a1s and m1a2s their actual armor? then the conversation would be diff and the abrams could have its own unique model in game. not just copy past junk.

Not really a downgrade per say, Yea it’s a bit slower but now with arat 1 actually modeled plus arat 2 on top it’s a bit useful

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DM53 isn’t that much better than M829A2, I’d rather have the 5 second reload by far


the sepv2 should get hard kill aps, the same as the merkava

The issue is a lack on foresight on the behalf of the US department of defence, it cannot simply be buffed to standard because it’s a fundamental issue with the design of the tank

It has less spalling so on average I would say both shells are worth the same when it comes to pen/spall ratio

the abrams has armor, some of the best in the world. its an assault tank and the m1a2 is far different than the m1s.

NATO tanks were specifically designed to use “hull down” doctrine and defensive positions as often as possible to fight the superior numbers of Russian tanks.


And the Leopard 2A7s are still using the 90s hull armour that was trialled by the swedes, causing it to brutally underperform by around 200mm of KE which is an issue that has never plagued the swedes because they get their own armour package which magically compensates.

Well you tell me if they ever fixed the giant gap between the hull and turret, because it appears to me that they don’t view it as an issue irl

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It’ll probably come with the sepv3 which I’m fine with, plus it gets upgraded hull and turret armor

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the abrams was designed as a assault tank A USMC veteran on the M1A1 Abrams tank: “This tank was designed for assault!” - News - War Thunder - here a real tanker breaks down the abrams.

the top plate should shatter sabot or ricochet the round off. in game most rounds cut through as if there was no armor. Regarding the PDF file i sent the top plate is missing compostite as seen here -

It’s only cause gaijin hasn’t modeled shell shattering on angles like that which I understand the frustration


maybe next update, since it will be ground centered

I sure hope

Useful for what? Nobody is firing HEAT shells at you, Realistically, the only CE shell you’ll be attacked with is an HE from a russian, and they won’t shoot your side, they’ll shoot your .50 (Crows or cupola mount)

So you can’t think why they wouldnt remove a weakspot from a tank, that noone can prove it doesnt have in real life? Maybe, because they see that the tank is balanced currently, and dont see any reason to change it. All tanks have weakspots, there is no reason to remove the one the Abrams has when it still is very competative. It might not be as strong as the Leopards but it is better than any of the minor nation equivalents. But, again, if you can prove, without classified documents that somehow there is actually 8000mm of armour there and nothing should be able to pen it then the bug reporting forum is there waiting for you.

You’re very biased by War Thunder, or I’m just misunderstanding you. That gap isn’t gonna stop an APFSDS shell by any means, I don’t believe, but it definitely will stop IFV and AA gun fire.

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