M1a2s at top tier

If any of you can give Gaijin specifically how much RHA equivalent protection any of these top teir tanks have on their hulls or turrets, and then back those numbers up with unclassified first hand sources/documents in a bug report, them I’m sure gaijin would acknowledge the bug report and change it. However, none of you can, and noone has been able to since or before the vehicles were added. So, the vehicles in game will continue to have made up numbers for Armour, Armour penetration and a whole list of other things that are still very classified until the documents and sources become unclassified and they can be reported and corrected. Until then, there is no point argueing about any of it from a real life perspective, because it will change nothing. How about you start justifying changes to these vehicles with balance in game. I.E. Abrams was underperforming compared to contemporaries → decrease its reload. Which is what Gaijin is doing, and has been doing for a very long time.

Bruh, the turret neck issue has been a thing since forever ago, Gaijin doesnt WANT to fix these problems.


By your logic abrams can also point and click as the dm 53 from the l44 LITERALLY has the same pormance as the m829a2…


Interesting, the snail will do what the snail will do ig.

LOL it only took one person one comment to derail the thread because if anyone brings up US equipment the Oh well what about " vehicle and their issues " because you cant have a discussion about US equipment it has to be about anything other than that. Its just too hard to create a thread about said vehicle and that issue so just have to wait until someone brings up the Abrams then i can talk about " X tank " in that thread because thats what really needs to be talk about in the abrams thread.

Are you lost mate?

Are you?

I wasn’t the one responding to your comments parroting exactly what you were saying…

Literally what this message wasn’t doing, but go off. I’m not responding to you anymore, because you think people with 0 knowledge of what they’re commenting on, should be commenting on that topic.

What is “the turret neck issue”. If you think Gaijin doesnt want to change it, then can you also think of why they might not want to change it?

It’s exactly what his message was doing, and I explained how.

By all means, stop responding. You’ll be doing a favor.

The fact that the abrams is susceptible to AA gun/IFV autocannon fire through the turret neck? The problem that has been prevalent for how long? I see no real reason for them to avoid fixing this.

can we discuss if this armor can be modeled in game not on other nations plz.

Wtf are you talking about? Im talking about the abrams… Good attempt trying to be a moderator, i guess.

not u some others. i just came back and read some post from abt a hour or two ago and they went off rails agian

this is what i was on abt

You mentioned Italy, not me.

that was earlier

You mentioned me, I responded.

ok my b, any way they still need to pay attention to this armor problem. their so worried abt other nations being so perfect but yet the abrams is still using 1990s tech against 2018. ps i include the seps cause they add 0 new tech to the game just more copy paste.