M1a2s at top tier

Asking for turret ring fix on abrams, dude: “Noooooo, look all of this tanks that also have weak spots, its perfect balanced, no changes needed”.

Points out how shit is his argument, dude: “Well, looks, im also wants to fix abrams turret ring. I made quintillions of bug reports for M1, #StandsForM1

Just troll i guess, just report


Do you expect the turret ring to become immune to 120/125mm APFSDS when/if it is changed to volumetric?

  • If the answer is ‘Yes’, I’d say you’re setting false expectations for yourself.
  • If the answer is ‘No’, then you’re in agreement with me that the turret ring weakspot will still be present and something the player has to work around.

Qoute me where I said the turret ring should not be fixed.

Please, go ahead, qoute me.


AGAIN, no one is asking to have invincible abrams, wtf this limitations of view that anyone asking for fix on the ring want is invincible. So tiring see always the SAME bs questions and weak arguments.

Direct quote you really dont have, but actions worth more than words:

I pointed out the problem with the abrams ring, you automatically: “BUT OTHER TANKS BLA BLA BLA”

I reinforced the point of the abrams ring, you, AGAIN: “BUT OTHER TANKS BLA BLA BLA”

SURE you have any intentions on help to fix abrams turret ring.

That’s just two of your replies to me. I didn’t and won’t go after your conversations with others because clearly there’s already a pattern here. If you care so much about USA top tier, then why do you attack others instead of creating constructive arguments? Why do you use weak arguments to try to dissuade the conversation? If the problems of other nations are also important to you (since you keep bringing them up), why aren’t you advocating fixing them instead of coming here and pointing them out as if Abrams doesn’t deserve any fixing because there are problems in others?

Honestly, you don’t even have to answer me anymore, it’s already clear A+B your intentions, and it’s certainly not to help. Do better.


In other words: You pulled a strawman.


Look, people willingly believe what they want to believe.

I will just point out that, worldwide, Russia and China sales are dropping and Germany sells almost as much as China. Either people like wasting money or their is a reason for this. The further we progress into the 21st century and the recent conflicts all pointing to dominance by NATO equipment the more these trends will just continue.

Th USA alone builds more F-35’s in a month than the total production of the Su-57. Nobody has placed an order for the Su-57 and 8 nations besides the USA already OPERATE the F-35, let alone nations who have bought it and are just waiting for delivery.

Numbers never lie, especially where money is concerned. And the money overwhelmingly points to the fact that Russia and China build crap and NATO builds good stuff.

This doesn’t really pertain to the game, but I challenge that anybody who is purporting Russian or Chinese equipment as “good” or “advanced” is somebody whose opinion is suspect.


Considering that we literally had a 5.3 second reload rate loaded in and we’re still looking at 36 percent win rates, the odds are that it’s because they have allowed Chinese players to use bot farms to get extra accounts in (categorically summarized in their last big wipe last year that took out 40,000 accounts), and the fact that every single time, they are in one-death leavers.

Who is spending the money and who isn’t progressing up to the top tiers in less than a couple months? Truly, I’d like to know. Because I’ve seen players with win rates that are literally in the 20 percentile playing at top tier with Clickbaits, and they are abominable.

How can the win rate of the US literally stay sub-40 percent for well over 4 years, and Gaijin still can’t come up with a reasonable understanding of why it is so?

Aside from creating yet more maps that are intentionally scrums and intentionally made to favor close quarters combat, while allowing other players to argue with us over minutiae that already are summed up under “it’s only players’ fault”.

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Most maps in this game make no sense. i kinda wish they had maps like squad does where there realistic. in game where fighting on maps that feel like they where made in 30mins just for the updates. more realistic maps could help everyone in the game. maybe like kuwait and it be a small town with realistic sand dunes in the middle. Maybe even a map in like china mountain to mountain fighting where IFVs can shine. More maps of real battle fields that make sense, not these WOT style maps like pradesh, Finland, and red desert. Im ok with some maps being that way but still the spawn camping in the first 10 minutes is starting to be a issue. Some of these maps are horrific for not just the abrams but also other nations.

No no, Bossman, noooo.

That’s a heckin’ Arjun!

I didn’t pay too much attention but I thought the tank looked better than the usual Leopard 2


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Acknowledgements mean it’s been forwarded and they’re considering how to implement it. Never a timeline given, which I’ve requested.

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Good part on the suggestion, it’s crazy you (the player) have to wait weeks, months, or years for something to change with no update on what’s going on between that time

I find it hilarious that i can pen the turret cheek of the abrams but not the junk russian T series with that tiny turret.



You cannot.

3BM-60 is incapable of penetrating a DU-equipped M1 turret.
Not even when attacking at from a 30 degree angle and point blank range:

The very best shells can only achieve penetration when firing at a side angle, at which point you can penetrate virtually any turret of any tank at top-tier, so I don’t see why you’d pick on the M1 in that case.

Just like the M1’s, you’ll just have to aim for the mantlet weakspot.
This goes for nearly all top-tier tanks, so I don’t see why you’re picking on the M1 or T-series tanks here.


If we go very technical iirc the Object 292 dart can pen the M1A2 loaders cheek from the front. However it’s an event vehicle and it’s not really close in performance to the M1A2s.

On top of what you said, the Object 292 is also outside of the M1A2’s BR range and thus not encountered much, if ever.


yeah the du equipped, the rest go right through, not referring to just the 3bm60. yet its basically impossible to pen a T series cheek at any br.

T-80B’s turret is hilariously weak against even 10.7 ammo.

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One day gaijin might go joker mode and just ask for classified dokuments so we can have a properly modeled video game.

Surely nothing will go wrong, whats gonna happen anyways? Will america do a 3dso against hungary?