M1a2s at top tier

just cause it says it in the protection analysis doesn’t make it accurate. i have 100s of hours with these tanks and yes the turret cheek can be penned there. This tells me you havent played the m1a2 enough to realize that the turret armor is just as useless.

His Abrams is around 6.0 KDR, if anything he understands how to play those things better than most of you here lol


Yeah, not on M1A2 family tho.

IMO the m1a1s are better for what they fight. the m1a2s fight way better tanks

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I know, his exceptional performance are on Abrams model that has either really good performance or Br placement.

Not to mention i highly suspect he has very campy playstyle that translate into those stats because if you look to his M1A2 stats he has 1-4 matches with 0 percent win rate but 4 K/D ratio, or better yet he’s T-80BVM/90M stats are trash compare to his other vehicles which most likely confirms my suspicions.


His IPM1 is also 5.8, I’d say it’s pretty much confirmed that he can do it with any Abrams variants, 10.3 onwards the playstyle hadn’t changed much. If someone could do it with 6.0, which is actually not the first person I’ve seen who figured out how to play the Abrams, I would be surprised to see people struggle to hit 2.0.

If we want to be more productive, I can perhaps start an escrow to make our gentlemen’s wagers lol I’d say he would be at least >5.0 on the M1A2 if he were to play it. Place your bet guys

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I’d say you’re empty talking.

IPM1 and M1A1 faces much better MM and weaker enemies compare to M1A2 family.

It changes a lot.

Yea i also have exceptional performance with J35XS does that mean its compeletly fine at its current br?
Indiviual K/D’s doesnt mean anything, learn the difference.


He got 0 percent win rate with 4 K/D ratio in 4 matches with M1A2, i’d say he pretty much adopted a very campy playstyle that has zero benefits for teamplay.


And they never elaborate on this:


10.3 M1 is much more playable than others M1s, period.

Just fix 11.0+ abrams ring already ffs

Apperently this is equal to asking invicible tank by communities eyes so its not possible.


I wouldn’t say his playstyle doesn’t benefit the team when he has >70% win rate on his IPM1, if you have him in your team you know your probability of winning is higher even when he is camping, at least base on the point he is cheap for the team to deploy and drain more enemy’s tickets on average, IMO someone like that is more valuable than the one who has 6 kills 3 deaths on average, because that amount of deaths is going to jeopardize the team later one way or another, I have had matches where the top three guys has 3000-ish mission points, but both has a combination of 12 deaths lol it was a long match where hold-W guy turn them into a marathon where it becomes a match to see who spawn more tanks, then we lost because one of them earned a nuke and managed to drop it. If you have two necrons on your team then expect no enemy CAS with loadout that cost 1000sp total, and less likely for them to drop a nuke.

This where the problem begins, you keep talking about his IPM1 stats like they mean something at top Tier, not to mention IPM1 and M1A1’s global performance stats are already really good which just proves my point even more.

He’s just abusing those vehicles (btw he hasnt touched his Abrams for a long time, i checked this before) while compeletly staying away from real top tier, His T-80BVM/90M and M1A2 stats are proof for this.

Again, empty talking.


‘‘The rest’’ are the M1, IPM1 and M1A1.

These are the best MBT’s at their respective BR’s in the game, I don’t see a reason to complain about their cheeks being vulnerable to APFSDS when they’re so incredibly dominant and lethal.

If the T-series tanks could get their cheeks penned, there’d literally be no reason to ever play them as they’re already worse than their M1 counterparts in the majority of categories.


There’s a M1A1 HC in the test drive map.
Go and hop into a tank equipped with 3BM-60 and record some gameplay of you penetrating it’s turret cheeks.

I’ll wait.


Only if you are not accounting for the fact that IPM1 gets tossed into 11.7 match up like 7 out of 10 times, so it couldn’t be having an easier life than any other 11.7s? Also I just checked again, his BVM and T-90m just rolled out of the dealership am pretty sure still using stock rounds 3BM42, which is a 9.7 ammunition, how is that winning rate and KDR of a stock vehicle mean anything somehow

Also, how do you abuse the vehicle?

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It doesnt because most top tier players includes their jets and their helicopters into their Line-ups which makes it impossible to see IPM1 in true top Tier environment.

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Honestly someone just needs to make a thread in combination with a bug report showing all of this. I was trying to do it back in January, but was waiting for Conraire’s thread that hasn’t surfaced yet. I would work on it, but college is going to be crazy for me this upcoming semester. If anyone wants to start drafting a thread with everything in it, DM me and I can give you some tips and/or approved-for-public-distribution stuff.

A majority of his battles in the IPM1 and M1A1 were when they were 10.7. At that time they stomped hard inflating his win rate to that 70% you see now.

Now look at his other stats…. In the last month he on average placed in the bottom 30% of his team with an average mission score in the mid 600s. Is that a good player to you? Not only does this indicate extreme stat padding it also shows he probably isn’t useful to the team. How else do you score extremely above average in KD yet extremely below average in those 2 metrics?


I currently don’t have anything to grind because I own all the vehicles I want to own.

I’m currently playing vehicles I just enjoy playing, therefore I can just leave maps I don’t enjoy.
Once you leave a map at the start, a player with JIP will take you spot, but the stat card still counts you as having been in the battle.
And since it assumes you’ve played the battle but haven’t gotten any score, it drags down the average stats.

If the stat card displayed my performance in the battles I’ve participated in it wouldn’t be any different from what they were when I was actively grinding.

The argument that I’m stat padding makes absolutely no sense, otherwise I wouldn’t be leaving battles which massively impacts my overall stats.

I’ve got plenty of gameplays on my channel, if you believe I just sit back, camp and stat pad, you’re free to check up on that.

Here’s one of my most recent matches, just to eliminate the argument that I’m cherry-picking old matches:


Your lifetime averages aren’t much higher though? So you quit a game because of the map more often than not?

If I’m coming home from work and want to play casually with vehicles I enjoy (Leo 2K, M18, Pz III N, M46, T-34E, M47 105mm, etc.) then yes.

I’ve got 5 nations, I can deal with some crew locks.

Like I said, I don’t care if my overall stats suffer as a result of this.