M1A2 SEPv2 Missing M829A3

I don’t have any problem with those tanks getting higher penning rounds, my issue is only the big 3 getting them (Germany, America and Sweden).

Japan, China, Israel and France need a equivalent for that to happen.

There is no difference between the first and last m1a2s.

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As far as I’m aware France and China could get something too. Japan Israel I don’t know much about so can’t be sure.

DM53 is already supposed to go through ERA, but Gaijin just refuses to add anti-ERA properties because of course it would affect the performance of their beloved T-Series.


Well I have a hypnosis. I think it is because the T series from now on are limited by the size of their autoloaders and can’t get much higher penning rounds until the T14. If they add in anti-ERA rounds they make T90 and T80 basically paper tanks that have nothing. So, all for the so called “balance”…

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There’s no such thing as “balance” in top tier with Russia pointing and clicking anything that remotely flinches so why not give NATO the same treatment? Make T-90s, T-80s, and T-72s paper just as same for Leopard 2, M1 Abrams, Leclercs, Type 90s, Challenge 2s, etc.

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Its not balance if russia has a 75% win rate.


nope. It’s not.

I wonder if theyre just gonna make the armata entirely made out of whatever magic stuff the T90s spall liner is made out of.

DM63 is actually a very slight downgrade to DM53; it was designed for improved reliability in extreme environments. The penetrator is the same as DM53 but it’s got a more reliable powder charge. This powder charge is marginally less powerful than that used in DM53, leading to a slightly reduced muzzle velocity of 1650m/s vs 1670. Not important but fun fact 👍

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Yeah pretty much what I heard too.

case closed ladies and gentlemen, the russian gaijin employee thinks it’s legit.


No, not like that! Some people were suggesting bug reporting the T90M for being too tough and spaw too little. As a response, I said"~". See? it makes sense now.


Ultimately all of this down to what the lead developers feel it should be, unfortunately.

which doesn’t make it right, and doesn’t make it acceptable for us, the players.
they are entitled to be wrong on their game, but i also am entitled to call them out for it.


Both US and Russian manuals state that M829A3 can penetrate the UFP of Russian MBTs equipped with Contakt-5. It’s impossible to rationally believe that the nation with the largest miliary spending and most developed military-industrial complex would simply not develop a round to counter the armor of a major opposing power.


And you know about the same amount as the devs do.

Found the russian main.

You know what America also has?

355mm KE hulls. On each and every single one of their tanks, even “M1A2 SEP” and “M1A1 AIM” in spite of the numerous bug reports, and even “M1A2 SEPv2” as of now.

So… you get 355mm KE hulls, followed by a center of mass 50mm thick turret ring neck, followed by Swedish trials export M1A2 turret cheeks on up to SEP and SEPv2 (as of now).

I can see why they want to, at very least, stand out in terms of firepower.


It’s honestly funny to read about the T-90m
it has the worst reload, and the rear speed is 4 km per hour, it is worse than the BVM + it only has armor, and it also does not have the best penetration and speed.