M1A2 SEP V2 ERA Modification

missing literally 60% of its spall liners.

the only fun i experience in this game is gettin surprised by getting 2 kills with one shot where the sabot hits one tank passing through killing another

Not to mention they said the stryker would get spall liners and it never did lmao.

Most Soviet/Russian MBTs do have significantly overperforming armor though.

The game generally uses flat penetration requirement for composite armor penetration calculations, for example:

  • A Challenger 2 has 529mm of RHAe in War Thunder, the armor is sloped at 60°.
  • 3BM-46 APFSDS has 308mm of penetration @ 60° @ 10m distance, this equates to 616mm of line-of-sight penetration, yet 3BM-46 cannot penetrate the glacis plate of the Challenger 2.
  • This is because in War Thunder, the composites have their individual armor values, which are then subjected to an RHA modifier, and then the appropriate slope modifier for the APFSDS round in question is applied to this composite.

The issue is that Gaijin has taken the line-of-sight RHAe values of Soviet armor instead of flat penetration requirement armor values, and then transplanted that onto the current penetration mechanics.

This means that NATO tanks and many Russian tanks do not use the same formula.
The upper glacis plate of a T-80U (without Kontakt-5) should be 435mm RHAe, yet it is 533mm in-game.

If NATO armor were using the same logic, then the current value of 430mm for the glacis plate of a Leopard 2A5 would suddenly be 499mm RHAe.

Some vehicles like the T-64A are correctly implemented, this is why the UFP of a T-64A is only 272mm vs APFSDS, which translates to 331mm LoS RHAe, which matches available sources.

All tanks in the game use the same formula.
If you look at the armor page on the wiki, Modern RHA has a modifier value of like 1.1 or 1.2.
On top of that, T-90A with contact 5 gets perforated by M829A2 IRL, and the same occurs in-game despite War Thunder’s perforation being pretty bad despite being the best in the industry.
It’s what happens when you use correct things like Willi Odermatt and armor values, simulating perforation without it causing massive issues in performance is hard.

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I don’t think you understand what I’m saying, I’ll try to re-itterate.

  • NATO sources list armour values as a flat penetration requirement. In other words: The minimum amount of flat angle penetration a shell should possess for it to penetrate the armour in question.
    For example: The Leopard 2A5 is listed as having 430mm of RHAe for it’s glacis, a shell must therefore possess 430mm or more penetration at 0°, or 499mm of LoS penetration at 50°.

  • Soviet/Russian sources list armour values at their line-of-sight RHAe, a shell must possess a certain amount of penetration at the slope that the armour is placed at for it to penetrate.
    For example: A T-64A has a LoS RHAe of 335mm for it’s glacis, a shell must therefore have 335mm of LoS penetration at 68°.

What Gaijin did is take the LoS RHAe and then inserted it into the flat penetration requirement formula the game uses, that’s why most Russian tanks have overperforming composite armor.

The game indeed uses the same formula, but they did not use equal criteria for NATO and Soviet composite armor, if they did use equal criteria then most Soviet/Russian tanks would have their armour brought down significantly.

This problem has already been brought to the Devs’ attention by senior technical moderators.


He does understand yet refuses to accept it.

You should know this pretty much casual response from him.

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Were they? Because they definitely aren’t on them now…





Finally, the m1A2 SEP & SEP V2

Then there’s the T-72AV Turms…

Most Russian vehicles past the Turms have Gen 2 or Gen 3 thermals.


After people pointed out the hypocrisy.



Congrats, you showed evidence of which none is related to the Abrams in any way, the rest is just you reaching.

Y’know, next time I’ll submit information about the F-4F KWS for my Pz. 2C reports, they’re both a type of a vehicle after all, so surely information regarding one of them has to also be true for the other.

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Turms is premium alot of them have gen 1 like the T80B

The only main battle tanks with higher than gen 1 in the Soviet tech tree are BVM [no turret armor, yes Leclerc and Ariete are aware of their own no armor sadly], T-90A, T-72B3, and T-90M.
Just as USA has SEP 1 & 2, and AIM. No backlash needed.

And no, Leopard 2 spall liners were the same update as T-90M, this is common knowledge.

Best helicopter in the game is Rooivalk BTW, a British premium.

Doesn’t the T-80U also get gen 2s…

No, gen 1 observation thermals. Which doesn’t bode well if Gaijin ever separates day and night channels, AKA adds picture-in-picture for gunners optics like Tarkov does for its infantry optics.

Still got more then USA, not to mention AIM is not Tech tree Abrams which makes your counter argument even more funny.

On First Dev server only T90M had Spall liners after countless complains and evidence Gaijin added spall liners to other vehicles.

Nice fairytale, sadly Ka-52 and Mi28NM still has the crown.

Your counter arguments becoming more desperate and empty, you should work harder on them.

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wow after all these exchanges the game is fun again

As long as you play the meta vehicles you will have fun otherwise eternal suffer is waiting at the corner.

man i knew this BS would happen in 2017 when that april fools event took place “they are gonna add modern stuff sweet i hope they dont fck it up”


nope not in 2015-2017

Dev server isn’t official release.
Obviously they didn’t have all the Leopard 2s ready in-time for the dev servers, after-all there are A LOT of Leopard 2s in War Thunder.
The only vehicles that the community caused more spall liners for are the light vehicles such as Strf 90 and Bradley as examples.

Ka-52 is #8, and Mi-28NM is #7, there are 6 helicopters better than both firing better missiles for fighting against tanks, which is what matters for ground battles.

Keep defending Russian stuff tho…

So not the Soviets.

Well this 2024 and many things has changed, you can either play meta vehicle without consuquences or you can play other vehicles and suffer most of the time.