M1A1s should not get 5s reload time

Gaijin doesn’t balance vehicles that way. If Gaijin wanted they could have given spall liner for SEP V2 just to balance it. Gaijin uses BR(Ammo sometimes) for balance

Yes, win rates should stay hidden in a game with nation vs nation matchmaking.
Clans would stat pad if stats were shown.

The only way that we get stats from Gaijin is if nation vs nation matchmaking ends.
No more USA vs USSR.
It’s everyone vs everyone all the time under your proposal.

10 tech trees 100% win rate, it should show 500 as the result.
It shows 534, which is 7% higher than it should be if it was a perfect result.
And honestly, any of the tech trees could have up to a 34% increase of their real stats. Less likely than the 7% margin of error, but it’s still possible & probable.

Who cares about what clans do?

Gaijin and ever player that cares about fair play.
The cheating epidemic that would occur from open data would ruin War Thunder.

How do you get cheating from win rates?

You check the datapool, then you intentionally play the higher win rate tech trees to get a nearly 100% win rate adding your own skill to the mix.

Nation vs nation matchmaking MANDATES that winrate data be secret.

How is this cheating?

Do you think people don’t already gravitate towards the best performing vehicles?

It would be an exploit which is a Game Rules violation of subsection: “6.1.2. Exploiting Game bugs, errors, and flaws.”
Yes, nation vs nation is a flaw of the game when win rates are public knowledge.
There is no “best performing vehicles” because of the BR system.

The “best performing vehicle” is going to be at or within 0.3 of all the other “best performing vehicles” it’ll face which equalizes it.

So which to you want more? Mixed match making & open win rate information; OR current match making & secret win rate data we’ll never see.
Cause you can’t have both.

I don’t think the BR system is working the way you say

It is.
BR balances the vehicles not players. That is the sole purpose of BR.
There is no player balancing in War Thunder because of the nation vs nation nature.
War Thunder would have to be exclusively mixed match making to balance players as well.

Explain why the Artie is the same BR as the Leopard 2A7V

Cause Gaijin hasn’t changed ground BRs yet and 10.7 doesn’t exist as a probable BR 11.7s can face so it’s already 11.0+ matches.



There are most certainly vehicles which perform well in full uptiers. That’s before we discuss top tier where there is no such thing as uptiers you’re facing everyone’s top of the line tanks.

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If anything can be gleaned from War Thunder history from the M1IP, T-2, G.91 Nord spam to New power Leo 2A6, just as many scrubs will gravitate towards FotM.

Why do you post on a spam account

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Idk I found out only last week that for some reason this account is different than my actual account. My best guess is that I have two since this account was originally an xbox one and I moved to PC using this email.

Point and click targets for the 2A7V

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Got the Clip? my eyes want to see