Aiming turret on 90% of vehicles will overpressure the hull, knocking out the entire tank. The M109 should still stay at the BR it is at, but that is not because OP (overpresssure) isn’t OP (overpowered).
M109 can oneshot everything, but made from pure cardboard, load a HE and pay them with their own coin
Gaijin has no idea how to balance HE Slingers because they require player skill to use.
It can easily be 6.7, range finders are uncommon laser range finders are absent.
It’s 6.0 because the average War Thunder player is bad at War Thunder.
Mainly because most nations don’t have ANYTHING good at 6.0 besides germany. Its unreliable, but can punch above its BR. Its fine.
its OP and require zero skill to play since its oneshoots anything.
i have 2 KD in it, so mostly the same KD as a would play a heavy tank.
it just fits the no armor best armor meta the best.
btw. this BR is already filled with post-war cancer like the pt76, M51 etc. so it doenst matter.
Vidar should get a BR raise first
It definitely requires skill considering it has pretty bad gun handling, almost non-existent gun depression and sub-par reload.
On the other hand, it’s pretty fast and can absolute smack the enemies if player controlling it has enough skill to place it in a good enough position.
You will still need to aim so it’s far, far away from being OP, but I do agree M109s are pretty strong at 6.0/6.3 and could easily be moved up a notch.
the m109 is really easy to kill but i still feel like they should move it up to 6.7 or 7.0 because of its massive gun
literally like half of my deaths were from m109s
Well i can’t do shit with it in realistic…
tiger, tiger 2 and panther are just too solid for its HE
Hit the gun mantlet.
Just aim for the turret cheeks, same weakspot that everyone aims at with APHE.
yep just tried that and it’s a one shot
now it feels ridiculously strong
Psst works sometime with smaller HE shells too on normal tanks ;-)
In other side it is made from cigarette paper
The M109 is spamming 6-7 BR currently. You had a fair chance of survival at 6-7 BR in a heavy, now they are redundant or feel like it. Aim high and drop the HE on the Panther or whatever and it goes in one shot.
I wish it was reliable with my 2S3M
Another late 60s gun spamming WW2 era BR and making Heavy tank players wish they never bothered spawning.
Except it’s not very reliable. When it works, it’s great, but 90% of shots do jackshit.
Not for me .Its one shot one kill. So long as I sat hidden I am laughing especially against WW2 stuff. Just need to aim higher than usual with HE and drop it on the enemy.