Lower BR of the J32B in Air RB

J32B is useless as it doesn’t have flares, is subsonic and doesn’t have tracers for it’s 30mm cannons. I have attempted to use the rockets on the J32B to use as flares for R60M/MKs but that didn’t work as the heat signatures of the rockets aren’t high enough to confuse the missile. I also find it quite ridiculous that they aren’t foldered, the A32A is just a worse J32B (only advantage is that it gets tracers for it’s 20mm). I also think fixing their flight models is a good idea they rip every time when I turn at low altitudes.


I agree with you, the current situation in Sweden’s 9.0-9.3 BR bracket is horrible:

  • J32B (9.3) can’t properly fight against anything above 9.7 that has both flares and better rear-aspect/full-aspect missiles to not only counter your weak RB24 missiles which are only really useful against slow-moving, poor-maneuverability targets that can’t juke them, but also kill you easily without any flares to back save you even from an early rear-aspect missile;
  • A32A (9.0) is only really useful in Ground Realistic Battles as a CAS and even then fighting against any heat-seeking missile platforms like Strela, Chaparral, Ozelot, etc. makes you play at really low altitudes to avoid detection and a potential lock, while at this exact same BR you’ll encounter such planes as A-4E Early with guided bombs and flares;
  • J34 (9.0) is just a J32B but worse, self-explanatory.