Low Tier HEAT discussion - is this fair?

What about post pen?

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the useless m109 and cheap m41 that gets exactly that 240 mm pen heat fs ur complaining about and is one of the most uptier proof vehicles in that lineup ok dude.

Yeah i totally agree, I’m totally at fault for thinking that my armor matters as a Heavy tank in a game that claims to be THE most realistic 👌👌👌👌

Useless? Arguably 1 of the best tanks on its BR in my view the M109s. Dunk on pretty much anything ground or air, especially now that you have the power to switch the fuse mode.

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yh but m41 was needed at that tier because we have nothing else as a light tank and even then nobody plays with it so its not a concern

In the case of the French, the majority of our heavy tanks are in the ~7-8 range, so of course we don’t want heat going up smh

Just ignore the sabot and heat-fs at teh BR.

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Sir, a tank destroyer can, in fact, destroy a heavy tank. Write that down Mike

well its not rlly relevant because nobody plays with it and so it makes no difference for the win rate, every whines about german vehicles while we have the lowest win rate ever at that BR

A 4.7 Sherman firefly can frontally pen both Tiger 2s using solid shot. Not even APDS, just solid shot.

Why is the 4.7 sherman 4.7?

Because of solid shot.

HEAT and APDS are worse than solid shot for where it actually matters: post pen.

Do you know what it looks like to kill a tiger 2 frontally in a challenger?

You shoot the gunner/breech/commander. You shoot the loader. You wait 30 seconds. You shoot the gunner/breech/commander again and get the kill.

Honestly prefered facing enemies head-on with APDS tanks with 300+mm pen because of #SolidShot (namely: I shoot the turret side on and the loader turns yellow, commander turns orange and the gunner dies. Frontally you guarantee both gunner and commander die by shooting straight through them. Shooting the hull side-on can lead to nobody dying. 300mm pen ftw!)

Do you know what it looks like to play just the Tiger E? I see an enemy tank side on, I click and whole crew is oblirated.

That’s not why-

Yeah, it is your fault that you’re stuck in the wehraboo “invincible tiger” mindset. Every tank can be penned by every other tank, you choosing to ignore that to trust your armour is the reason why you’re dying. Lashing out at a few HEAT-slingers isn’t going to solve that for you.


Thought it looked like rounding the corner, presenting a flat angle for the foe, then wondering where your tiger went.

If Germans dont use 1 of the best vehicles in the game for its BR, its literally their own skill issue moment.

I dream of my G6 actually having the same BR and a non borked out HE-VT round (the G6s round doesnt overpressure when used, forcing you to use the standard rounds).

Kind of shows the problem isnt the heavy tank if you are saying the M109 point is not relevant (you brought it up) when its pointed out to be good because “nobody uses it”.

Germans have the low rates because they dont use the good tanks they have and the ones they do use, they use wrong lol.

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Average German player: spawn in Tiger (2), go straight to a point, get one shot, return to the menu.

You just have to launch a game in 5.7 or 6.7 to see it.

Insult others so you can win arguments, this is the way to go, if it was a soviet main complaining you would applaud him

Nah, we give them a lot more flak in all honesty.

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Why would I applaud if it was a soviet main lmao

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did u even read what i said or are u here just to pick on people? Im literally using my tiger 2 as a sniper because im totally being outcompeted if I were to actually use it as a heavy tank

Nah I happily rip into Soviet players who complain about their stuff lol.

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