M50 and M56 are basically the same vehicle at the same BR, so what happens is that the American mains have at least 2 spawns of the same OP vehicle that can basically pen anything at any range with their HEAT shells.
These vehicles are at 6.7 for no reason, America has no reason to have 2 copy-pasted vehicles at the very same BR and at such a low rating.
Now let me tell you my experience as a german main and I’m more than happy to hear your experience against these vehicles too.
I spawn my Tiger 2, go in a sniping position and all of a sudden I get shot out of nowhere right through my turret face and get instantly killed by one of those vehicles.
So, the heaviest tank of WW2 has just been completely outplayed by a prototype vehicle that basically has never seen combat or anything.
“YeAH buT tHiS is a gamE”, a very “fair” game indeed.
Now, you might say “well but germany has a rat tank too, the Raketen!”, it does indeed and its basically the same as M56, but here’s the punchline…Raketen is at 8.0
So here’s what happens, a portion of German mains would say “Then Raketen needs to be undertiered!!!”, but here’s the problem with that, this will ONLY encourage more cold war HEAT spam at low tier while most people hate it.
This is the only solution that would make it fair once and for all:
Every vehicle that has HEAT with more than 200mm of pen for a nation that doesn’t even require it, needs to be tiered to 8.0 or higher based on how they perform, so a vehicle like M56 that can spam it’s shells that have 320mm of pen (it can basically pen everything) needs to be at the very least 8.0
Heavy vehicles get punished the most by these light tanks with high pen HEAT. Vehicles like Maus that are supposed to be totally unkillable have to face this sickness that gimps them and makes them totally unplayable, same goes for any other vehicle that faces off against this type of modern shells.
America has no need for TWO heat spammers at that BR.
~Conclusion: HEAT at low tier completely negates what a heavy tank means, your armor is completely irrelevant for the most part, because people whined about not being able to instantly kill a Tiger 2, Maus etc in one hit with their 20 ton tank. Heavy tanks need to be heavy tanks and light tanks need to be light tanks.
You shouldn’t be capable of facing off heavies as a light tank for the most part, you should be obligated to use your speed and just flank them and heavies should be obligated to hold the first lines or snipe, but the game right now is only about who has the fastest rat tanks with the most high penetrating shell, which I think its highly unfair.
This needs to get fixed.
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