There are other options we have to rule out. If OP is workin in US and usually plays in the evening, he will encounter kids from europe playing after school. So while he thinks “low level”, it might actually be “high ping” that causes his perception.
As we can’t all even agree on the observation, we won’t be able to settle the cause.
I believe there is a possibility that Gaijin does some shady things behind the curtains for the sake of balance, or perhaps as a way of influencing player experience for the sake of profit, but I have no evidence beyond purely anecdotal experiences.
For example, I’ve been playing low tier ground battles (event grind) and I ran into the same sealclubber like 5 times on the same day. Every single time he was on the other team. Considering we were both level 100s with similar KDRs and playing on the same platform, I wouldn’t be surprised if the matchmaking deliberately puts us on opposing teams as some sort of balancing measure. But of course, I have no way to prove it and 5 matches are too small of a sample size.
There’s of course a pretty big difference between the game taking whatever statistics they use to measure player performance to form teams, to dynamically altering hit percentages, damage and RGN results on server calculations. Not impossible, but I find it unlikely. More complexity means more ways of screwing it up and this is Gaijin we’re talking about.
You are often top 3 of your games but complain about low level being secretly buffed? I don’t understand. Being top 3 often is good…
I would not call them shady as almost everything in life which is somehow connected to sales works with strategies which aim to influence thought processes of customers, it doesn’t matter if open or hidden. Even your local Fast Food chain advertises with Burgers looking like produced by [insert preferred god] whilst the product you receive looks just remotely related…
You will find dozens of vids and studies how sales psychology influences game design. Most of the analysis show that in “newer” games only a minor part of the budgets were spent on the game itself, the majority of expenditures are specific designs which are dealing with any kind of monetary transactions with players and plain marketing costs.
Regarding you anecdotal experiences - a quote from another thread:
You might argue that BR changes and open or hidden nerf of individual Flight Models play a role too - but these adjustments happen 2-4 times year at best.
So if you follow this logical path it seems not entirely unlikely that certain parameters (like weapon damage or penetration values) might also be used by adding RNG factors.
Therefore i simply refuse to join the “torch & pitchfork” guys if this or similar topics pop up - even if i personally think that the description of the alleged “modifications/adjustments” is way too generic and look rather like technical issues or a rant.
Imho we are way beyond this point that gaijin has full control and transparency in which way they can screw up what function.
If you followed certain developments in the last 5-6 years it is obvious that gaijin looks more like a company with various complex and outdated IT systems working in parallel and every update presents unexpected results - mainly as changes in system A produces trouble in system D (which was not on their screen) and subsequent systems.
Gaijin’s internal testing looks reduced to pure damage control as long as the game keeps running - i saw irl a lot of failed (and extremely expensive) IT projects which were unable to replace old but stable software with less complex newer stuff.
Have a good one!