Limit CAS in RB for each player

So its fine that planes destroy tanks on spawn ? Heh ?

It’s pretty hard to gaurantee a kill on the spawn, it’s only also if you see SPAA or MGs firing on spawn that you know someone is there moving and being vulnerable…

You have to be joking , with planes on 11.7+ having thermor , guided bombs , helis with rockets etc , all you need is to wait after movement for 5 seconds . Please go troll somewhere else.

Spawn protection still works, and SPAA is still functional.

It’s not a troll to be opposing your want to have limits imposed on things that people are also able to use in a anti air role.


Oh look its the pos that ruins others people matches because he’d get clapped he if played in air mode and people would shoot back.

But I like to shoot down cas.

I find it easier to locate targets on large open maps.

Thats the true problem.

Lol no, any sort of weather blocks off planes visibility 100%.


Its funny to watch people claim that CAS is for people who can’t play air or tanks. How so? It takes more skill to avoid Pantsirs than it does to avoid R-73s and R-27s.

CAS destroying the game.

CAS works like a sort of Cluster bomb Balancing, it hits everyone and lowers performance

its a way to remove overskilled players from the game who for example camp in unreachable spots

CAS destroying the game.
If gaijin decide to just trying and add the Tank Only Game Mode (RGB) for a couple of months
then we ll see how many players participate at each mode…
(Combined with CAS or Tank Only without any CAS)

Im prettty sure about the results…
Im also sure that many WOT players will coming to War Thunder.

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Why get good in playing tanks when You can just use air instead

because you wont Research your tanks as long as youre in that plane and if youre horrible with a tank you wont even get to use that plane

Getting into a plane requires a bare minimum from the player, like capping a zone or getting one kill ;)

That is far too little isn’t it? It should cost like 1000 SP to spawn in any plane and ordnance should add like 50-100 SP to that depending on the amount and type.

It does. A tornado Gr1 with decent A2G weapons is about 900 SP. It’s a good 3 or 4 kills or 1 to 2 kills and a cap at minimum.

I’d argue that the SP cost for certain aircraft and loadouts is now maybe too high.

Tornado GR1 can do 3 or 4 kill without being shot down is likely you can double it to 6-8 kill without doing any tank vs tank battle. The sp cost for that is reasonable.

It could also end up having 0 kills and 850 SP wasted.

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It depend op team having fighters or spaa actieve otherwise it would be easy victory. One skilled CAS player can get 3 or 4 kill easy without op team deploy figthers and only spaa.

I agree. For the guided loadouts.

It’s the unguided loadouts that make no sense.

Taking 12x 1k bombs Is the same SP cost as 4x GBUs and a TVD Tpod (in fact, I think taking any 1000lb bomb costs the same amount so 1 or 12 1k bomb costs the same amount as taking 1 or 4 1k GBUs)

And yet these loadouts are not equal in performance/threat at all.

And yet what incentive do I have to ever take the unguided bombs over the GBUs?

Then there is also CAP, pure A2A aircraft. They cost more than a heli with 16 ATGMs. Despite being the best counter for any aircraft

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