people who entirely buy their way up the game without gaining/learning any skill
My brain is shut down when I play low tier and often its because I’m testing a new vehicle I haven’t played before. Which means I perform either alright or subpar for my liking. Prime examples are the Land battleships.
Well wasn’t for seal clubbing at low tiers a lot of clan boies wouldn’t have the stats they do, it’s how they keep those high KDR numbers.
You do talk some rubbish ,were you drunk?
I am Dod_Dud, a level 100 player and I hereby confess to have committed the following:
I grinded and spaded the french naval tree from tier1. I will grind the french boats too.
I do play my low tier premiums as some generate a lot of SL. If I can win, I even spawn another non-premium low tier.
During events, I even use my low tier event premiums to get it done fast.
When I get a rank2 task, I often do it with rank2 vehicles in one mission.
And I am sure there is more.
I amBoveyBadBoy69 I feel I must apologize for my countries conduct during the last BR1 game.
Sorry I shot some people.
Sometimes play TB-3 but, it is really fun.
I got to Level 100 playing ARB before I even started on Ground.
I got to level 100 before being any good at the game
Premium Players get to Level 100 twice as fast. Talisman+Premium Players get there 4 times as fast.
I got there very quickly.The game refuses to give me medals for some reason but I guess everybody is different.Those who win the game are not always level 100.
If I went back to 1BR I might seal club if I was the only level 100 but I know there will be many.
I have tanks for 6 different nations, so yes.
I like to play the objective, so I often fight other high ranking players. Yesterday I played Fields Of Normandy, Battle mode I think. Each side has a capture point. I went to defend our point and sure enough someone rushes to capture our point at the start of the match. It was a lot of fun.
Yea, these is bad, but most of all lvl 100 players want to play low br, bc its boring that one F-14 ore Mig-29 come and kill u with a missile, we want to do someting more calm.
First of all, it’s a common misconception that high level players are always more skilled. Plenty of lvl 100’s reached their skill cap long ago, and still have no idea what they are doing. Others grinded all their levels in other game modes, which means they might be gods at Tank RB, but suck hard at anything related to planes.
There are also actually skilled players who play at lower BR’s, and there are multiple reasons for why they do this. Some are starting new tech trees or branches to unlock higher ranks. Some have a particular BR bracket where their favourite vehicles are, or where they think combat is most engaging. Some have introduced a friend to the game recently, and is playing together with them at their BR bracket. Others are farming SL or just straight up taking a break from higher tiers (seriously, anyone who plays 10.0+ br games for prolonged periods looses their minds. It’s absolutely mind numbing).
At last we have the actual sealclubbers, who have 2k games in their P-39N or equivalent. They exist, and there is a few of them, but it’s not a given that, even after so many games in the same vehicle, they actually know what they are doing. Some ppl get a kick out of dookie dumping on new players, and I doubt we can get rid of it. Clubbing exists in multiple BR brackets, and every time the Devs drops a new mean machine at a br way too low, we see these types flocking to it.
I’d advise to see these ppl as challenges instead of obstacles. It might sound a bit harsh, but once you learn to deal with them, you will probably have moved beyond their skill levels.
Guilty as charged … I play from time to time in the lower ranks to compensate for that tiny thing in my pants.
Imho you have to distinguish between a seal clubber and a stat padder.
The effect for new players is the same, but a seal clubber in the narrow sense is using op vehicles to get kills, the stat padder adds excellent pilot skills to an op vehicle. Both fly the same planes (undertiered single engine fighters) but it needs complete different tactics to fight them.
Imho you can distinguish them by K-D and how they fly.
Seeing this:
…you might want to revisit prop BRs in Air RB.
There are a lot of squads/players specialized to push stats with Rank I & II planes. This player profile (link to thunderskill) is just for explanatory reasons to prove my point (so no intention to name and shame), but you meet such guys way too often to justify your claim “few”.
Whilst starting the Chinese TT i ran in my second match in reserve biplane in a guy with 35.000 kills with rare rank I & II event vehicles. Ofc i avoided the fight as it makes no sense to fight a guy with an aced crew in a MBR-2 and getting sprayed down by ai gunners…i watched the replay, 5 of his 7 kills were done by ai gunners…
I do not think that these guys have other reasons than to push stats, but it is a disaster for newbies if they meet with 20 minutes Air RB experience such players.
Imho i can agree to this whilst facing a seal clubber as they tend to make basic mistakes regarding positioning and tactic / target priorisation.
But for stat padders this is nonsense - real stat padders flying undertiered single engine fighters are usually very good pilots - they simply deny any fights with the slightest disadvantage; you might get them in rare cases as last player if their last friendly made a mistake.
Fighting 2 of them solo is pointless as you just doubled the problem.
Regarding the OP:
I recommend that every new player should use the tools the game actually offers. So doing a kind of lobby check regarding vehicle stats (not level) right after spawn in order to identify the best enemy players is useful to identify them.
Trying to dogfight real stat padders as newbie is pointless, at least at Rank I or 2. Sometimes it is wise just to land and j out - in the hope that you get a “better” lobby.
Imho there is nothing wrong with playing Rank I & II as experienced player. Seeing that a lot of iconic WW2 tanks are at rank II, this is actually quite comprehensible.
As the underlying reasons doing this might differ, there is no right or wrong.
The question is simply if you want to increase your already existing advantage based on experience by using the best weapon system available in order to have a kind of turkey shooting or not.
As i fly only WW2 props in Air RB i do not see any reason to fly below rank III as it is incredibly hard to find the right balance between fun & challenge at rank I & II - the performance and experience gaps are imho too large there.
So the imbalances within the aircraft / BR setting and the rather low experience level of players / opponents on average gives you two options:
- Fly meta/undertiered single engine fighters vs less experienced pilots ending up with a lot of kills (maybe fun?), but no challenge
or - Fly non-meta planes and avoid single engine fighters (less kills, but fun & challenge) in order to allow my enemies to compensate their lack of experience on average with superior performance.
I decided that #2 is for me the best choice to create the perfect mix of challenge and fun. Yes, you are screwed if you meet an equally skilled player in far better plane, but as the match results became mostly random events idc.
Fun besides. I go to the lower ranks when I’m exhausted from higher tiers. It is forgiving and I blend in perfectly because my patience is almost at a minimum.
I don’t like it when players do it only to get an advantage no matter what the reason is. I thought often about a handicap that could be applied to players with a decent number of battles and wins. But don’t take this too serious pls.
New players face AI bots and other new players, not level 100 players. Unless your brother bought some tier 3+ premium he should not be facing level 100s.