Not even going to read through this topic - because it’s obviously made by someone who doesn’t understand the game. War Thunder is about playing whatever BR you want - whatever period of tank design you want. Some people like pre-ww2, some like inter-war, some like WW2, early cold war, modern, etc (and same logic for air - naval). Doesn’t matter how experienced or what level they are. They have every right to participate at the BR they like. And as I’m sure many have already pointed out - just as likely to face low levels at 10.0 as you are at 1.0.
I don’t usually seal club low tiers, but when I decide to play some of my favorite tanks that are in lower tiers I view it as a way to make new players mad enough to not continue playing this game to stop them from becoming someone like me who’s wasted thousands of hours on this game. In a way it’s doing them a favor stopping them from getting sucked into this game and giving their money and time to the snail.
I don’t have any issues with higher level players going down to low tiers. Those levels are completely arbitrary anyway, everyone will get there eventually.
My favourite BR is 1.3 Britain and I’ve got like 500 games in some of those vehicles. I just really enjoy the A13’s and love the look of them.
What Gaijin needs to do is look at decompressing low tiers around 2.7 to 3.3. Things like the M4A3 (105), StuH, and SU-122 are monsters to face. Especially when they’re in a squad of experienced players. 2.3 vehicles fighting against 3.3 is basically the same leap as higher tiers with late/post-WW2 vehicles having to face HEATFS or APFSDS.
It’ll make those tiers fairer for everyone and ensure new players aren’t put off by facing overpowered vehicles.
I’m trying to spade everything, so yeah, I play low BRs sometimes. That’s all it is man.
The game gets increasingly cancerous the closer to the top BR that you get. guided air to ground munitions and auto adjusting laser rangefinders and big contributors to this reduction in fun. inccidentally i tend to avoid BRs where ATGM helis start to appear unless i am pushing through a tech tree, because many of the mechanics are stupid and less fun. like getting killed by a guided bomb dropped by a su-27 that’s 17km above the ground and i can under any circumstances see.
I took the TB-3 into ARB for a couple of games last week - that was fun! :D
Yes and I enjoy the mindless fun. Best ever.
Sometimes I play rank V but I probably have more fun playing rank II or rank III. I love USSR’s Gaz truck at BR 2.3 and I love to troll using British or French heavy tanks. Somewhere, someone with no skill is leveling up from slowly damaging my Churchill or my B1 Bis.
I prefer to play on the SA server (not that I can avoid NA because the snail forces me to play NA sometimes) so me joining low rank games is actually speeding up the time to find a match on SA. I also repair my team mates and I don’t go exclusively for kills - if there’s nobody protecting a spawn point then I’ll always take it. It’s fun to pressure the enemy team like that.
If everyone just wants to clash on the east of Flanders, or the west of Advance To The Rhine, let them do it. I like to flank the enemy team and shoot them from the sides. It’s guaranteed I’ll die but it’s good to make people think. If they don’t learn to mark the snipers or flankers at Rank II, then they’ll still make the mistakes at Rank V.
level 14. just was in a match with this level 14.his score?
he died 4 times. gotten 276 points. this is br 5.0.
i can tell you this. if i was new to a game, and i saw matches being so 1 sided. i would be deterred to play it. i see it as stupidity, but in all honesty, i respect new players for holding on for so long, thinking their matches will become better, while in reality, its up to the developer to make it better. becuase this is the predicament we are in.
ive seen war thunder from being a semi popular game, to the game it is today. i remember this game hardly having 50k players at its best, and now i regularly see it having over 150k players.
gaijin needs to change matchmaking. it can no longer continue like this. there has to be a double matchmaking system, for players under level 50, and players over level 50.
does this mean i will have worse matches because i like seal clubbing? maybe. but the viability of this game takes first place.
gaijin. i know you are blinded. by what? i dont know. it cant be investors, you are a publisher without any stakes. you didnt go public. theres no one else really holding the reigns.
why are you punishing new players from playing this game?
why are you punishing long time players from liking this game, without hating themselves?
why are you, how you are?
your a company. your goal is to make money. you would make more money if you didnt turn everyone against you.
you are out of touch with your community. you have been out of touch for a long time. you even had your community rebel against you at one point. and you were able to sweet talk them out of their little rebellion by having a map with alot of words that tell them what can be expected of the future. they will become meek as sheep. gobble up the patsy you have given them.
will it fix the issue? not by a long shot. continue on this path, and it will only happen more often in the future. you will tarnish your reputation. the next game you will release might not do so well.
Git gut or be dead, like it always is and was.
from one viewpoint, sure. at some point you need to learn how the game works. positioning. weakspots.
he should be given the chance to learn how to play. you cant expect it to come naturally with everyone. and when being sealclubbed by level 100 players, you cant really learn from mistakes.
There is no but.
I have talked about performance matchmaking many times, players don’t want it.
Just because someone has 100 lvl doesn’t mean he is good.
not performance matchmaking. a level cap. with a time limit on how long matchmaking should take.
like i said, at some point, a person has to know the game. but he should be given the chance to learn.
Depends on if they are starting a new TT, help a new friend, or sealclubbing, which you can usually tell from their stat card.
Level doesn’t determine how good someone is. The problem will still be there.
Performance matchmaking is the only solution.
I have 100 level since 2015?
and do you know how to play the game?
Depends what You call “knowing how to play the game”.
Again, level doesn’t determine if someone is good or not. I can show You profiles with 100 lvl that are worse than new players.
its not about skill. a level 14 would practically know less than a level 100. even if you can find level 100 profiles that are worse in stats than the level 14, they still are a level 100, and still have played this game more. they still know more. even if htey dont show it. by having a matchmaking thats seperate for just the first 50 levels, they are given the chance to properly learn the game better.
Im level 100 and I love playing low br, its much more fun and relaxing than the top tier disaster. New players should be starting in Arcade battles until they feel comfortable with the game if they don’t want to encounter such good players. I know several people that won’t play above 7.0 because they enjoy the gameplay more.