Lets talk about the state of Germany

thats the thing, the dev blog specialy said adding of tanks in service of their nation, and apparently germany upgraded all 2a7s now to the wa7V standard

2a7+ in service too ,more then 20

It’s possible that the leaker may have had mistaken the leopard variant and it could be possible that it’s a 2A6EX or another up-armoured leopard. After the PSO incident, I don’t think they’re too keen on pulling that off again with a 2A7.

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Correct. Germany received all their Leopard 2A7Vs, twenty of the existing “vanilla” 2A7s were upgraded to V standard:


Altho the last part is interesting, allegedly V suffix will be dropped, but I’ve seen Bundeswehr officials still refer to the vehicle as Leopard 2A7V despite all vehicles getting delivered.

That’s be a riot from community :)

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In that regard, remember Smin said some Leopards are coming , that could mean germany gets 2 like US got 2 F16s during Apex predator. For all we know he meaned the last swedish Leopard Strv122b+, but the discussion in question was specialy for germany

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Some may be two better armored Leo :))))

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Leopard 2A7V + unspecified Tier VII premium for Germany (seeing as we’re to get 1+ MBTs), likely Leopard 2 TVM.

So i already have top tier of Sweden, it will be good

I hate when people (not you, but others in the RR thread) keep taking that statement out of context and then saying “Oh, he meant maybe for another nation”. Like come on, it was clear as day he meant specifically for Germany since it was posted on the PSO thread and the whole thread was about Germany and the PSO.

i dont necesarily think so, we already got told this update only gonna have a medium amount of premiums, if we look at the leak list they would together be a medium amount. Besides that it already got confirmed no USSR premium is coming this patch.

They propably will add USSR and GER in seperate patches , to make them the Star of the patches / shop so to say

oh yeah, i find it stupid how many people said oh the 2a7hu is coming then. But even if gajin did a gajin move and means swedish leo as well. Some implies at least 3 doesnt it?

Not fact. But good enough

To me, “some” doesn’t specify a minimum number above 0. So for me “some” means 1 or more.

Premium and tech tree

again, it is not likely the german premium will come this update

Since the Russian premium was denied, and for the sake of balancing winrates, I don’t think they would add a premium for Germany right now. If they did, Russia/USSR will go back to their 99% winrate.

It’s rare to see people actually admit that War Thunder T-80s have their turret eject.

Tho you went nonsense by claiming 3BM60/OFL F1/DM43 is point & click.


Why would you? All other tanks are sidegrades.
And people got mad at 2A5 PSO for being a sidegrade.

2A6EX, 2A5TVM and others would be direct upgrades over the current top tier Germany.

That isn’t even good choice to add