Lets talk about the state of Germany

Do i wanna know what that add on is?

Weight simulators


Ahhh intresting

Superior gaijin physics, I’m betting its some specific ass blasted person behind that, because he can’t comprehend it, it means it impossible!

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I made a bug report on the hull ammorack.


So what can/could be expected if we get the leopard 2a7v ?
Hull armor like strv ?
what about lfp ?
other ammo/gun ?
same engine as leotard pso ?
better internal armor ?(in case gajoob gets it right) ?

Yes, if not better.

Probably same as the strv122, not sure about this one.

It has a L/55A1, so it can fire DM73, however, this may or may not come. Ammunition is usually a balancing factor.

No, but the final drives have been recalibrated so it should accelerate faster (comparable to a 2A4). But top speed is lowered to 63km/h

Also has 3rd Gen thermals for Gunner and commander

Except it isn’t really for the top tier tanks, not as a guaranteed way to stop them from shooting back.
Especially the BVM is unlike usually claimed actually not very prone to being ammo racked through the LFP.

It is from my experience.

i stopped shooting the lfp because somehow t80’s have a blackhole where the ammo is
and you usually just kill driver and engine and get sent back to hangar …


Guys, I’d like to offer our friend @Toxindragon to promote a fellow consultant. Who’s in?

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Better. Has double-stranded sheets above the pad

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That also but the biggest problem is that the charges don’t explode when hit (you know, the most explosive part of the tank)

So i didn’t even hope to get 2a7v, in this patch. It’s too effective in my opinion :)

russia created ammo that doesn’t explode when hit

all those vids with the ru turret ejection system are propaganda /s

hmm we will see
could be time for ze germans to steam roll russia till they get armata lul

russia had now 2 years point and click with fantasy ru tanks so would be time by now

So i was in excursion in tech demonstration. And see what insides of t-80 :)

Yeah, it’s surprising they skipped to the 2A7V. But still depends on if the Leak List is correct about the 2A7V coming this update.

I don’t think all in leaks correct (especially leo). But i suppose mostly it truth. Was early leak with spike puma

It doesn’t even have to be the 2A7V.
I’m just afraid that it’s gonna be the base 2A7 which is just not really comparable to the likely / leaked other contenders coming this patch.

The Leopard 2A7 has about 100mm more KE protection for the hull compared to the 2A6 but is some 3 tons heavier which noticeably affects mobility.
That’s it. No new ammo, no new thermals, no addon armor, no LWR, no APS etc.

So i still hope about more armored version of leopard 2