Lets talk about the state of Germany

Gonna have to partially disagree.

I want the 2a4 (C-type) to get dm33 which it should be able to fire as it has the collimator on the end of the barrel which lets you know its able to fire dm33.

And i want the 2a4 (B-type) to be put back into the game with its 400mm of armor and dm23.

If a 2a4 sidegrade was ALL we get, then i might just have to retake the rhineland and annex austria.

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ye but didnt someone said we would get a better leopard after the pso was announced ? better= better amored etc ? and leotard revolution would not be better armor…^^

at least thats how we all interpreted the whole message


ye that’s what i mean
But i play this … game long enough to know the snail says “…” and does the opposite

So i guess my dreams about a leopard with armor levels of the strv for germany died for this year
And i have to accept we get another shitty sidegrade leotard that is worse again then the 2a5 :D

  • im grinding russia right now and everytime i see a pso i just load he and meme them because the mg always sticks out of cover



But better thermals.

So trikzzter will close it again

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Something from me again:

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I would be happy with this masterpiece

Leopard 2 ADT


Of corse, it will be good:

So i see offer in this forum and created such on ru forum



Forwarded as a suggestion.
I undestand that modern armor protection values are subject for interpretation and are now treated as suggestions, but this addon armor actually makes the protection worse so that is most certainly a bug.



Strv122 “missing” add-on mounted on LWS?

Leopard 2PSO armour not performing like the strv122’s despite being exactly the same?
“No comrade, we think Germany used magical cardboard that normalizes the dart unlike Sweden but we may consider your opinion”

“The processing of reports regarding DM errors for MBT’s does not change. For example, reports regarding the non-penetration of parts that cannot withstand the impacted projectile (e.g. when an MBT is not penetrated by an APFSDS round with a high penetration value into a weak spot, such as the side or rear) are still considered bugs.”

This is clearly a damage model bug, either the PSO is bugged, or the strv122 is bugged. I don’t understand how this can be “suggestion”.


And then the question is: why is it said that Germany is biased?

Personal untouchable

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Because clearly the PSO is too overpowered and game-braking so they need to nerf it somehow /s

But on a serious note, I swear if this “bug” ends up on our promised up-armoured leopard, something is gonna burn…

Something new will be good for me. But if it were another pso i would have been happier

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if he’s here it even better let him know what people think about his work

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That covered by modders, not him

for a worse turret with the same weakness from the 2a4 ? nah i pass ^^

The 2A6A3’s main upgrades are the ATTICA 3rd gen thermal sight for the gunner, DM11 programmable HE and some extra armour on the upper ufp, like the PSO. The commander already got the ATTICA on the 2A6M+, an older version.

Can someone help me with these?