Lets talk about the state of Germany

Yes, being good somehow prevents you from getting strafed


Yeah? It does? If you honestly can’t think why then you’re just not a good player.

Not when I am dive bombing you from over 1000 Meters alt in a P-47. Will be long gone by the time my load Lands right on you with laser precision.

I would not allow that to happen 9 times out of 10.

Panther 2, Tiger 105, Kugel, Me 262 Jabo
Pretty decent lineup


Being skilled has little to do with being strafed… yeah don’t spray at targets far away, still isn’t magically going to protect you.

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refer to

Then add some context, jesus.

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I will get to it eventually as I try to learn each AA and how it plays, but I’m not going to uptier my whole 6.7 lineup for its sake, nor will I put it in the 7.7 lineup, so it currently sits in my 7.3 lineup only… Where the Wiesel is a better alternative, I think.

Feels like a vehicle that’s been powercrept, but I might be wrong.

Gaijin will hold Russia at the top forever unless the community revolts again.
Time and time again they’ve shown with Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Israel and Japan that they do not care about making minor nations competitive.


We are the Snail now!



They do. Sweden will be better than Germany when they get grippen

2 of those you can’t get anymore. Awesome lineup indeed.

What is your 7.3 lineup

This one:

When several old 7.3s were uptiered, I ended up recycling a few 6.7s just to fill up the slots, but tbh if I ever were to really use them at those BRs, it would just be for the memes. I don’t think I’ve actually played this lineup in the shape that you see it now, actually.

I briefly considered buying the German M47 just to have another 7.3 in there, but decided against it because 1) I want as few non-domestic vehicles as possible, 2) Postwar vehicles in the tech tree are one thing but I don’t feel like spending money on a non-WW2 vehicle, and 3) it doesn’t look that fun to play to be honest.

Conclusion after about a month of Leopard PSO.

  • The tank is not much better than its 2A5 counterpart and definitely worse than a 2A6.
  • The machine gun on the turret roof feels worse than others in the same caliber.
  • The armor often trolls, but is not really good.
  • As for the bug reports, Gaijin ignores them very well.
    There are errors on the live server that were already present on the dev server.
  • The mobility of the tank still has nothing to do with the original.
    The PSO, just like the other big cats, drives as if it were moving 20 tons more mass.
    Anyone who has ever seen the leopard in action would not believe that it is a 70 tons cat!

So at the end all that remains for me is the following conclusion:
Gaijin has no intention of filling the German TT with good things and does a lot more bad than right.
I would say pure fear of competition.
But even with these poorly done things you can still perform well.
Anyone who can handle what is available in the German high-tier TT can only drive everything else better!

The Bug Reports:
Frontblade: Community Bug Reporting System
Turretarmor: Community Bug Reporting System
Damage Modell: Community Bug Reporting System

This whas acknowledged: Community Bug Reporting System
Let’s see when it changes


Doesn’t seem worth it to uptier your entire lineup just to play the Ru 251 or the Wiesel?

  • The tank is not much better than its 2A5 counterpart and definitely worse than a 2A6.

This is much pretty much what I thought initially, like why did we wait 3 years to get this faux top tier vehicle that is not an improvement to what we had already and subpar to what Sweden got years ago?

The main value of the PSO is that it lowers the RP for the 2A6, beyond that I’m just going to wait for an actual top tier vehicle for Germany that is worth grinding and I still wait actual RP reductions to even bother grinding it.

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