Lets talk about the state of Germany

No, the problem is Gaijin putting 0 effort into the German ones.

PSO has transmission problems, armor holes, a UFP that doesn’t allow ricochets, no hitbox for the suspension…

2A7V has armor holes, underperforming armor in general, same UFP bug, transmission problems, hitbox misalignment…

The Strvs have none of these problems. All of them were introduced with strong and actually working armor and stayed this way + now have full spall liners.

With the 2A5 on the other hand they constantly messed around, lowered and lifted the turret and created various armor holes while the Strv 122A wasn’t touched.

Dont mention the spall liner, idk after the nerfs i really couldn’t tell you i notice their effect lol probably just me though.

Also didnt the strv 122’s have the lifted turret for a while also?

I dont play top tier enough to keep up to date often for tanks as an air enjoyer and WW2 ground fan.

Turret ones work fine. Hull spall liners were so heavily nerfed on the Leopards that they are basically irrelevant.
T-90M liners on the other hand work just like upon introduction.

German ones are just inferiour you know

Tbf ive always assumed another factor to the differences would be to have a gameplay difference. Sweden gets less pen while germany gets more for less armor. Thats how i viewed them when sweden first started being Meta, until players showed off having to pay 100k sl for 5 vehicle repairs after a match.

Regardless gaijin fucking exact models isnt a new problem. Especially recent stuff, the Hungarian 2a4 MG changing all other leo 2a4 MG’s to the wrong version.

Chat is this real?

No fucking way, nah i cant get actually hyped for this but is there any news on the skyranger?

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Nope, also, its only Boxer what we know not if its gonna be the Skyranger


Even if it was, why are you looking forward to an even worse Puma

Regardless if it’s real or fake, it looks pretty close to what should be expected.


It would worth more if spike can actually can kill something because we all knew spike in this game sucks

Thanks to RU main crying until they finally achieved something instead of using skills like everyone else because they can’t hold the taste of they own medicine (Yeah BVM before spall liner)

Maybe other up armored leopard alternatives option
Leopard 2A6HEL
Or Leopard 2A6E
One of them should fit nice for german TT
since both nation still don’t belong to anyone sub tree so both can go to country who built them (Germany in this case)


Both of them should be end up in German tree.

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Better idea, make a Turkish tech tree and give it a Greek subtree


Turkish Tech Tree? I’ll pass.

the only real question this patch is which kind of Boxer we will get. honestly the Boxer platform is superior in pretty much anything compared to the Puma. The VIlkas is just a hillariously tanky speed demon that can sit behind pretty much any slope and rain hate down its enemy.

Personally I hope for the PuBo but I think we gonna get the sWaTrgInf

Should be before 2a7v (maybe add 2A6A3 too)

Im hoping they add 3 at once, similar how they did it with the Wiesels. So, the Skyranger, Schwerer Waffenträger and the PuBo, all at once. We’ve already got the hull and some of the turrets, and the vehicles themselves shouldnt be too dissimilar to each other gameplay-wise, save for the Skyranger.

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