Lets talk about the state of Germany

its always luque comming to say something without any apport to the theme of conversation just to get us mad about anything

Sadly, I haven’t got the book yet… For such questions, @Drag0oon is your man, as the photos are from him. I imagine, however, that the book doesn’t go too deep into this, as it’s a matter of national secrecy (it seems like that to me at least). The previous iteration of the book had also been co-signed by Frank Lobitz, who is the current Project Manager of the Leopard 2 for the Bundeswehr, meaning he has access to all this information. Wolfgang Schneider, on the other hand, served in the Bundeswehr for 41 years between 1969 and 2010, leaving with a rank of Oberst/Colonel. This current version of the book has Lobitz crossed out or removed, so I reckon he may have asked Schneider to become the only signatory because of information like that about the acquisition of a T-80U.

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Sadly the mention of the T80U was specific to that one mention, there were no other mentions of the entire event.

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It was stated that they had it in 1985 though

Sad, thanks for answering though!

again read what i wrote 1985 east germany was under russian goverment and allied to belarus pretty much. 1990 was the unification where germany stopped being allied to russia

1990 comes after 1985 do you not understand that?

As a result we can discern that germany wouldnt have needed to do some spy work, but that it rather was a trade /exchange between allied nations

West Germany is not an ally of Belarus. The book states that West Germany recieved the T-80U in 1985.

(East) German (GDR) units never got the T-80U, the best they had was the T-72M1

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its not too difficult to stage an espionage operation when there are two countries with the same name allied with different halfs of the world.


Apparently PARS 3 LR was upgraded to this capability as per this video at 0:39 seconds it shows a man-in-the-loop system which is what back image intended to provide.

does anyone have more information about this?

Wait, these fucking numbers on the PARS pod are real??? Wtf

now I know there are 4 missiles, would have never known otherwise.

yeah why lol

The thing is i wanted to make an bug report about this xD
because i thought that cant be real xDD

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lol bundeswehr was like.
SIKE! you thought?!

After half a year, we have finally received our first W:


2A7V upper plate fix will arrive in the next major patch.


hopefully that also mean leopard 2 rework that gaijin promised will also come in the next major update

But ma swedish bias 😭




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WOW! It only took 8 months to fix.


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