Lets talk about the state of Germany

Thanks least someone on this page isn’t condescending

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youre not serious…? are you…? please tell me youre not serious…

Ok maybe if you had posted the image you posted 40 posts up I would have seen it.
Then the tank came from Belarus not Russia also changes things.
rule number 1 bro don’t be a d#ck

oh yeah, plenty of russian said that


Yes further up, could have easily prompted it, here is the article.
I didn’t say that, Germany had the R-73 on the MiG 29 with the HMD it was it’s party trick

we said all the time that we already posted the sources, you literaly ignored the part
The fact you thought this discussion even came out to be without a source being posted here first

There are 5969 individual posts.

Anyway cool to know I was interested in how the T-80U was in German hands and the book explains it. procured from Belarus. I was hoping for more detail

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You quite literally quoted my post where I posted the pages talking about this. You’re a prime example of how not to start an argument.

Not even that, you have begun to doubt the validity of the claims made by the author (who, btw, had served in the Bundeswehr for 41 years, beginning in 1979, and was likely present for the trials of the T-80U in Germany) based on delivery and DOI dates because you were simply incapable of believing that Germany had been capable of procuring samples of cutting-edge AFVs; you didn’t ask me what book those pages were from either, nada.

Seriously, what a boy who cried wolf you are…

I quoted the post stating the date the tank went into service, I didn’t see the other article just the one about the 2A8. I had never heard about Germany having a T-80U which is still crazy when Britain acquiring one 6 years later such a huge deal was made of it.

Again didn’t realise the T-80 story was from a book, it sounded too fanciful. Imagine the M1A1 had just reached Europe and that year Russia managed to get a brand new one across the border, it’s incredulous. I’m not going to challenge a primary source and it’s interesting to learn about it.

Russia did acquire data on Leopard 2’s B-technology armor only a couple of years after it had entered service (why else do you think the 3BM-32 and 42 were developed on such short notice?). They likely had data on M1s and Challenger 1s armors as well.

spionage go brrrrrrrt

Would greatly appreciate someone checking out my report. thx!

1983 units didnt have K-5 nor even K-1 and were still named as T-80A, the name they held all up until getting accepted into service.
Considering the amount of non K5 T-80A on trials, I would say probably even more 1985 part didnt have it fully or had it in testing configuration.

Why is this place always so damn spicy?

You are probably confusing this with the ER

R73, i can even look up MatAWGs video where he states this

Actually a good question.

Does the book have any extra information on how they got the T-80U? I’m genuinely interested in the story of how the Germans managed to steal a T-80U from Belarus, it sounds like something out of a movie.

the german unification was end of 1990, the DDR still was a thing belarus and east germany were pretty much allied under russia

Might that explain your question?