Lets talk about the state of Germany

Fair enough, I misunderstood then.

Apache with spikes would be cool eventually tho.

Honestly I think the “cap” will be Hellfire Limas - radar guided ATGMs that ignore smoke cover and can be guided through vegetation. Spikes for the most part will share many of PARS disadvantages (i’m 99% sure they already do), i.e;

  • losing the lock due to break of LOS via smoke
  • inability to relock the target
  • probably bad pathing as well

Didn’t mean to imply you said that. I brought it up because this is in relation to “is Germany being treated unfairly?” My stance is no, at least not by itself.

No, same situation as above explanation.

MBT backups, as mentioned. Unless you’re asking about the upgrades. They can get those as well, my observation is that they need MBT backups more than anything. The 2A6 is quite a powerful vehicle still.

This is why I blanketed all NATO having armor issues from before, since I acknowledge that Germany is included in that. France in particular is targeted by “balancing decisions” by impacting its reload speed and shell, being the second worst NATO round in game. At least Germany had the reload corrected back, the Leclercs still to this day do not. I won’t be derailing this by trying to say “who has it worse”, but it’s important to know that its not “just” Germany. And yes, I want Germany’s issues with their vehicles fixed as well.

I didn’t mean to say the UHT is amazing, my perception is that it is better in some more situations than Hellfire helis. However I may not fully understand its issues, especially with PARS. So I will refrain from saying it’s a viable alternative. Apologies.

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Fair enough.

MBT backups, as mentioned. Unless you’re asking about the upgrades. They can get those as well, my observation is that they need MBT backups more than anything. The 2A6 is quite a powerful vehicle still.

Is 2A6 meta? Yes. Is 2A6 a powerful vehicle? Yes. Is it lacking? Also yes. As far as I am aware, most people were asking for a Leopard 2 with improved thermals (for example, Leopard 2A6MA3, it would have somewhat better armour and programmable ammunition, but it’s main selling point had always been the improved thermal cameras). Gaijin instead added PSO, then castrated it and told us to wait for “an actual upgrade”. This is why people playing or maining Germany aren’t happy (for the same reason people aren’t happy about the AZUR - since plainly speaking, just like the PSO, it is a downgrade from the previous crown vehicle [2A6/SXXI] whilst costing a metric ton to research and make useable).

France in particular is targeted by “balancing decisions” by impacting its reload speed and shell, being the second worst NATO round in game.

That’s another issue - whereas the reload speed is a valid point (however the same can be said for manual loaders), the argument about the shell is pretty much non-sense to me. The OLF F2 that many people so desire, by all accounts, wouldn’t be an upgrade, but a sidegrade (because most estimates that I have seen make it out to be a clone of the OFL F1 but made in DU instead of Tungsten, that flies slower)… i’ve seen a few people mention the SHARD APFSDS (and yes, it would be an actual upgrade, as it’s in DM73 tier of performance), and hopefully it’s added when Tier VIII is introduced (so this year).

I won’t be derailing this by trying to say “who has it worse”

I never looked at this in terms of who has it worse, but rather in terms of “everyone but 3 nations has it bad, some nations lack in this area, and some nations lack in that area, or both of those nations are lacking in certain areas” etc.

I didn’t mean to say the UHT is amazing, my perception is that it is better in some more situations than Hellfire helis. However I may not fully understand its issues, especially with PARS. So I will refrain from saying it’s a viable alternative. Apologies.

Apologies accepted. However, I have to admit that UHT if given a really open map (usually a desert oriented one) is one hell of a menace (and of course if there’s no Pantsir, but against that one no heli is safe).

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Apache uses spike nlos, which is different animal entirely to pars3 or spike lr.

They’re working on F&F missiles to make it a random point in a circle where it hits.
So here’s hoping that development goes quick enough.

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The F84F isn’t that great even in ground rb. It’s just to slow, looses speed like hell and has a turn circle bigger than some bombers. It was a great bomb truck but no without airspawn it sucks in all modes

The G91R3 is workable but compared to planes like the A4s with 5 bullpups it’s a joke.

I don’t know if alpha jet has ccip but that would be the best solution if it had ccip. But one alpha jet with aim9bs at 8.7 and another one with better missles at a higher br

They need to fix pars3 switching targets. That’s not something pars3 nor agm 65 should do at all.

AGM-114L without the mast radar will be more balanced. Without radar, you require a laser lock for a few seconds before you can fire, even then it only knows rough range and bearing. So it’s common for the missile to just miss since the missile radar doesn’t activate initially.

PARS 3 in current patch // Gaijin.net // Issues
EC-665 Tiger UHT PARS 3 LR incorrect missile behaviour // Gaijin.net // Issues

@Smin1080p sorry again for bothering we can have an information on a fix for that?

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it is realistic not a nerf, the refill ammo belts are at the bottom of the tank and need to manualy be repalced to the turret, sure it is annoying but it is how it is suppsoed to be


Trying to fix German bombs for 3 months now but they still ignoring me, i send almost 5 or 6 suggestions about the subject on the forum but they deleted all of them and ignored the rest of my suggestion don’t expect any help from gaijin.

Dunno about missile behavior. Before we come to that, we should talk about how aquiring a lock (or not).

The biggest flaw of the UHT is the fact, that you can only lock up vehicles, which are completly unobstructed and fully visible. Like in this example: This enemy SPAA cannot be locked. It wouldn’t be an issue with any manual ATGM like the Vikhr. You could just kill it right away. But Pars won’t get you a lock and you can’t do anything. Also a tree or fence or any object in between would spoil any lock.

This makes the UHT only viable on very few flat desert or Fields of Poland type maps. Thats probably why the Vikhr or ATAKA helis are fotm by alot players. Precise, long ranged and very fast ATGMs, which fly where you want them without those issues. When you see a thermal signature within bushes or trees…well, you can just shot it. Same for partially obstruced vehicles.


Ironically the 105 Tiger is the only one with correct turret placement.
The others have their turret too far to the front.

this is coming from someone that has in those “über german tanks” mostly a kdr from 0.7
Interesting ;)


I don’t though. Then you look at my stats in an inferior Tiger version, which shows without being constantly in German teams the vehicles shine, probably not in groups with the highest BRs as a level 10 KT/Tiger I player.

One nation has this happening a lot more than others, just like what happens in Air with another nation.

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Germany has arguably the best 5.3 - 6.3 lineup in the game, but according to TS, their WRs there are barely over 50%. Ffs, seems like US 5.3 - 6.3 has higher WRs than Germany lmao.
Surely there’s some truth in that meme about Tiger/Panther players being atrocious.


And of course, relatively, there are always grey areas in this sort of observation/discussion. But how many one nation only teams occur at these BRs and below and which nation appears to get most of them?

As a minor nation dabbler I know the makeups go in certain directions.

Some, though less than people think.

New players unlocking these tanks too soon and not knowing how to use them is an obvious issue, not too dissimilar (if for different reasons) from the people that buy a top tier premium and rush their way into top tier without knowing how to play beyond the merest basics.

But there are a few issues that affect you even if you know how to use these vehicles well. One is being on a team with said players, which can and will ruin your own match even if you’re a literal god of war. Another is the matchmaker. Because German 5.3 is so popular, it gets uptiered to 6.3 all the time. And I do mean all the time. I’ve never seen or played a BR that is uptiered so often. The increase in capability between those two BRs is notable, and you can tell by the “advice” people give to the supposedly terrible Tiger players, like “just angle” which is necessary but insufficient to save you even against several BR-peer competitors, let alone the stuff you can meet at 6.3.

For all that, this statement

is bull. New players suck. That is a given and we all sucked at one point. The distribution of new players is unequal across the tech trees, which is normal. But this sort of attitude is precisely what motivates me to try and kick ass in German tanks.

Well, if we take Thunderskill as representative of the general WT population (it might well not be, and I doubt its reliability, but I’m going with your assumption), this is what we get:

Tiger H1: 50.61% win rate in Ground RB, 2.58 kills per death.
Tiger E: 58.85% win rate in Ground RB, 2.4 kills per death

These statistics apply to how these vehicles performed in the hands of TS-tracked players for the past month. Longer time periods are only available to TS patrons, unfortunately.

CoffeeBean, your stats in the Heavy Tank No.6 in Ground RB are: 49.58% win rate, 1.7 kills per death.

All in all, I’d say there isn’t much of a difference between how TS-tracked players use their Tigers, and you use yours.

Overall is a different matter, as TS data for the Heavy Tank No.6 are exceptional: a 50.64% win rate, and… 5.42 kills per death. I have to admit this looks a little strange to me, though. Even considering that WT is not a deathmatch game blah blah blah, if that was the average K/d ratio, you’d expect the win ratio to be higher than that. This is one of a few instances where TS seems to produce odd stats that I’m not sure how far to trust, or how to interpret.

Still, there it is. If you do decide to go by TS data, German Tiger players aren’t as bad as they’re made out to be. Make of that what you will.

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