Lets talk about the state of Germany

I really hate the philosophy they’ve been using. Instead of properly representing the capabilities of western vehicles and slightly buffing soviet tanks so they’re more competitive, all they do is nerf the western ones to the point where they’re nearly as sh*t as the soviet counterparts

Why’d this get flagged?

Same thing with Strvs, their breaches produce no spall as seen here.

It’s all so tiresome…

Quite hillarious how only Germany’s Leopard 2s seem to suffer from nuclear breaches…

I believe this only happens on certain angles,otherwise Swedish leopards also suffers from same issue.

Nevertheless both tanks should recieve same treatment no matter what, and that is revoming the nuclear blast effect.

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I miss my working Spall liner, maybe some day in a few years it will work again…

Maybe in the case of Strv 122s, but when it comes to the 2A7 HU, I’ve noticed that the angle’s irrelevant and the breach eats up all the spall (both in matches and in controlled environments).

I’ve been also told that 2A7 HU has received an updated DM for the breach, which might explain the difference. The question is, however, why only the 2A7 HU and not the 2A7V?

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I specifically checked Strv’s when this issue mentioned, its obvious Strv’s only benefits from this advantage on certain angles.

I guess Italy became new Germany in Gaijin’s eyes.

Germany became forgotton children at this point…

Tbh im so close to finishing Leopard2A7V grinding but my hands are pulling away, why should i play with nerfed leopard when i can use my Strv’s?

At this point just grind Italy. The 2A7 HU is on track to receive all of the fixes promised for the 2A7V before the 2A7V receives them it seems + their helis & jets are better. KF 41 is arguably also better than the Puma. The only thing Germany has going for it is that they get more Leo 2s in a single line-up, and a better SPAA.

Tbh i dont wanna grind copy paste italy, waiting for Denmark Leopard2A7V for Swedish tree is much better option in my book.

Plus Gaijin will most likely add better Cv90 variants which will suit my playstyle even more.

Im just sad that Germany, the country that produces all those vehicles are the one who left in desert to rot, its simply unacceptable…

Cant wait Italy getting a 2A8 before Germany gets it

I don’t disagree with the other parts, but the KF41 is a joke at 10.7.

Italy will not get 2A8, negotiations werent succesful and contract was cancelled.

Like many other ifv’s.

Most of them are overtiered.

This is irrespective of their actual BR. I take all IFVs that I can to top tier, there, the KF 41 is arguably better.

Same cannon? Check.
Same useless armour? Check.
Same non-existent survivability? Check.
Is it 1kph faster? Yes.
Does it have 2 sometimes useable ATGMS? Yes.

It’s better. Flawless logic.

It’s a sidegrade to the Puma. It has barely any survivability compared to the Puma while having 4 spikes that are mostly useless against 11.0+ MBTs.

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Mostly useless =/= entirely useless. Alas neither has any survivability.

Puma hasn’t even got ATGMs to act as emotional support.

Yes, and the puma can actually survive things. You can poke your turret out of cover in the puma without instantly losing 2 crew members or dying because of an ammo detonation.


You can poke your turret out of cover in the puma without instantly losing 2 crew members or dying because of an ammo detonation.

That’s actually hillarious, because my Puma has been dying to turret detonations. The only upside is that unless they load HE and ammo doesn’t go off, I might get away with just losing my ammunition.

Same, but on a worse scale, every time i peak out my turret drives vanish, regardless of the quality or calibre of the shot i still end up losing my turret components

Another upside is that the Puma ammo rack can’t be destroyed by a .50 cal from a lot of angles.