Lets talk about the state of Germany

Even more rich when you look at their history with French developed vehicles and weaponry

Could’ve been me, but I don’t have the 2A5 yet

For the staate of germany from my PoV as of today. A few iconic vehciels are missing.
The ammo belts dont work on many german aircraft. all broken its always stock ammo.

Missing vehciels that are a must in my opinion.
Leopard 1 A3
Leoaprd 2 and A1 and A2 variant.
M47 Duster
SPZ lang and kurz, even they horbible its what it is.
No Unimog with Rh202 20mm AA.
Almost all NVA units. Tho its in works. With air and helicopters and some in naval.
But still no T55´s no soviet spaa´s.

Naval is a shit show, its just pure chaos even with naval EC so I stay away from it. I wish I could enjoy it but god, its so horrible.

In general all Western MBT´s lack there FCS systems.
The tornado got it the worst. There is no redeeming qualitys about non of its functions that make uniqe are in not even teh mission profiles in RB or EC suite its role. Not even the enviormnt can be used to its advantages. Yes the ECM fix IS VERY, VERY WELCOME!!! I understand that it is with the 111 a very specific airplane and you cant ground other players to do bad weather or other stuff in RB. Its sad that the tarrain follwing radar and all its other cool fetures and night battles are not a thing. But lets hope for the best in the future.

I hope for the best, cool protypes in the future. Much larger maps for high tir.
I have lot of fun with german tree from the start of WT.
Lets see what comes next.
Also Gemrany is on of the trees that is almost finshed and most flesh out. :-)

cougth cought EF2000 cougth cought hell yeah please!!!

Also a speration of tree´s would be nice not just for germany but for all nations.
This would make balancing and matching easyer.
So have serpate BRD and GDR tree with ther erespective units.
This way subnation in main nations could be removed and be there own thing.
Like gajin did with helicopters, have a certain level of units unloct and thsi opens up a new three.
This would also prevent nations to be come incredbliy imposible to balance.

Everyone has access to your battle stats and can look it up

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But u need to look at the PS account

No, you can still look up any player by their name on the forum as it is linked to your IGN. It does not matter if you have an Xbox, PC, or PS4 account. External tools like Thunder Skill can also be used.


no you dont lol

Yeah just wanted to make sure

I would love to see the kurz ingame as a low tier wiesel and as a rank 3 light tank which germany lacks (maybe 4.3 to 5.3 or something).

The lang is already in warthunder but with a recoilless rifle and the chassie is really bad. It’s slow and has next to no armor. I dont think it is needed

They’re identical to the 2A4 for all intents and purposes, good for the line-up but might as well aim for something more unique like the Leopard 2AV w/L44 and Leopard 2/140 instead (the one based on the PT-19 turret of the 2AV, so it wouldn’t have thermals).

They are not, 2a4 has thermals, digital fcs, the old leopard 2´s dont until the A3 I think tho that one was just diffrent paint. They have nvg´s and the turret has some weakspots on the side. They are nother story. There are consiedrble diffrences as they are with the T72 line. Ammo wise too. armour wise too.

itts not a question of need or how good it is. Its simply in the inventory of the BW and there fore it belongs in the tree. There cant be only nitpicking of the best of the best. There are good vehciels and there are bad ones. Got to live with it and go throu them.

Leopard 2s started to receive WBG-X starting with the 2A1, it was the 2A0 that didn’t have thermals. This game doesn’t even simulate FCS’ to begin with, so it doesn’t matter if Leopards 2s pre A4 variant didn’t have a digital FCS.

turret has some weakspots on the side

So does the current in-game 2A4, it’s a modified batch 1 - 4 vehicle after all. The only Leopard 2s to not have the ammunition loading hatch are batch 5 - 8 & foreign variants like the Strv 122.

armour wise too.

What’s the difference between a 2A1 and a 2A4 armor-wise, according to you, then? Because it was only starting with the 6th batch that a new armor package had been installed. The in-game Leopard 2A4 is not a batch 6, 7, or 8 vehicle, so it doesn’t have C-technology.

A reason more for those leoaprds to be in so the leo2a4 can get the c-tech.
This would difrenatet and sperate the leopards even more. A L2A0 with NVG´s only woud be cool.

And FCS is kind in the in the game. Look at 2S36 and puma and bmps with there only automatic target aim at airtargets. Its just a mater of adding it to the respective vehicels.

I am all for more tanks but this are tanks that where in service and the otehr one are experimental units.

Add all of them The service ones in tech three the experimental ones as premium/event vehicels.

Which the current 2A4 can’t because it’s not of the right batch for it.

And FCS is kind in the in the game. Look at 2S36 and puma and bmps with there only automatic target aim at airtargets. Its just a mater of adding it to the respective vehicels.

Auto-tracking is a feature of FCS, but FCS as a whole is not in the game. That aside, Leopard 2s don’t have auto-tracking so you can’t even claim they have FCS in WT.

I was not talking about autotracking but the leading of moving targets and that the leo2 has as do the m1´s and all western mbt´s. Its part of the fcs system. to shoot on move moving targets

Auto-lead hasn’t been implemented in GRB.

Lets hope it will in future updates. This would also add a disdiguising factor fron western and eastern MBT´s. We fight at the moment eastern style. They just have rangefinders.

Always hope for the best.

Been long time since it in the game still don’t even get fix
Well i’ll guess i’ll stick with Sweden feeding it Russian tanks for while

I trust the smoke more than random WT teammates to cover me. Might as well if my gun is out.

The outcry would be insane. They would not allow NATO vehicles to have such advantage over soviet s*boxes

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