Lets talk about the state of Germany

At this point, i really try to avoid playing Germany Leopard 2s 11.3 an up.( only 2a4 is worthy playing)
It really feels like glass cannon. Probably im just bad but come on. If i try to hull down to compensate for lack of hull armor, boom. Shoot straight trough the turret and get commander, gunner, breach, turret ring. I even got ammoracked from the front by an abrams sometime.
It is just very frustrating that 8/10 games my team always lose.(Guess who was on the other side?)

Go and speedrun your way to the 2a7, it is the most fun i have had in top tier since peak BVM

you got some serious sh*t here because germany DOESNT HAVE an M-60

thats on gaijin because french is better irl with more upgrades while the germans never got anything good

i wouldnt expect a non german player to understand the issues.
gotta live em to know em

usually you gotta have at least 10k+ battles to start making that claim.

So you got the point withiut getting the point

My bad, I meant m48, but my point still stands.
And while i don’t main Germany, I’ve gotten enough vehicles of said nation to have a pretty good grasp over it

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French aj has different versions.
Germany dont have any upgrades apart from the WTD61 variant im researching.
Gaijin added two jets and one should just be lower br becauae no flares but overall it is better than the german one.

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but aside from just 15 more HP and 4kmph more top speed theres no difference and sure americans could have a variant but germany only had the 48A2 C while americans can ahve so many more variants cuz… well they built the damn thing lol

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That’s exactly the point

Germany gets the better vehicles at a bargain of a BR.
In the Alpha Jet’s case they even got a better version than the French despite what you say.

The American one also lacks smoke launchers that the German one has AFAIK as well. And both are still at the same be

i hate smoke and playing germany i know because smoke is useless unless ur fighting Laser guided ammunition or TV guided. otherwise it just obscures your vision and every half brain celled teammate think smoke is a riot shield but for tanks

french one has better rockets, gunpods of 30mm totalling 3 30mm guns and the same flight performace as the AJ and will probably go down with the decompression…
its better despite what you say bro.
even defyn knows it

I reallyyy don’t think smoke launchers bring a big enough capability difference that one of them would need to be uptiered when everything else about them is the same. IMO, it’s a cope view, but hey, France has the Mirage 2KD at the same BR as the Tornado… and there’s the ItO-90M which is straight up better than FlaRakRad but both sit at the same BR.

As for the AJ A, I honestly can’t think of the last time I actually used its CMs, lol. At 8.7 there’s so few (if any) missiles that can actually threaten you that I’ve forgotten that it even has the option to bring flares.

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Eh you are just average/above average I would say.

Battles played has nothing to do with being a good player lol. You can just as easily fail your way to that 10000 battle mark.


im not about to get into an argument about how amount of experience is related to skill 🤦

It is related, just not the biggest factor.

I met a random player in one of my top tier games that had ~1200 games in has 2A5 but only a 0.33ish K/D. I don’t know the exact figure, but it was around 400 kills and around 1200 deaths.

yeah my point was just that one cannot have the most comprehensive understanding of “top tier” ongoings without a certain amount of time spent in that environment

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And how can U know that?

That’s not what Gaijin said.
They said APUs are not implemented, a statement of fact any player would tell you.

I already have it spaded. But i avoid playing cus Nato teams sucks… or maybe just Russia bias idk