Lets talk about the state of Germany

Gaijin say the Operator for the Weaponstations on Leopard 2 PSO/2AV/2A7HU is the Commander.

KNDS training Simulator say it is the Loader.

Gaijin makes her own Wishes and Rules, not the Reality.


They’ve already started adding extra modules to tanks, I think they’ll consider it.


Good Luck

the moment i saw your username dude lol


do you have link or offical information on that?

It’s a simple cludeo my friend.

Have you ever seen a Bundeswehr owned production Leopard 2A5 or 2A6 with an APU? You can tell if it has one by a presence of a rear bump on the right side of the hull.

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I hope we will get this with a potential 3rd batch of Pumas (which is highly likely)

very likely the drone system was already decided to be a thing yes or yes since now thanks to the drone warfare this is a must together with the MUSS 2.0 wich would be great to increase the capacities to defend the PUMA even more

Talked about it to 2 Friends of mine that are Mechanics for Armored Vehicles in the German army, its true

New bug report, tehe:




2A7HU’s mantlet is straight up better than 2A7Vs. In PA it’s generally better & generates less spall.


Well, that very “Interesting”

Italian Bias? Let’s go.

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Yeah, that’s pretty insane amount of Copium. Germany constantly gets better vehicles than other countries at the same BR. You can easily make direct comparaisons : German M60 being straight out better than the US M60 at the same BR, same for the Alpha Jet against French one…
German tanks in general are extremely under BRed. Just comparing the existence of the Tiger 1 and M4A4E3 at the same BR is pretty insane to me.
Germany is also one of the nation with the most filled out and competent lineups (both free and premium). Germany post WW2 is still considered a major nation in game, with tons of vehicles and next to no gap, while other countries that have much more diversity don’t get half of what Germany has gotten, like China or France
Germany’s only big issue right now is a lack of competent top tier aircraft, but that’s mainly a German procurement issue. Once the EF2000 gets introduced, it will be one of the best Aircraft at the BR.


KF 41 has zero protection its not needed for germany

It is literally a German vehicle.

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How often do i need to tell you, its Performance doesnt matter. It should be included for completions sake.
German playerbase want one for the sake of it doesnt matter how it performs.
There is many fans of useless vehicles butbthey still have people that love them.
You think anyone plays UK tornado f3 as their main vehicle because its meta? Pr the challies /arietes in general.
They suck but still have their dedicated fan base


Good luck

That’s a bit exaggerated.

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No Thats a true fact