Lets talk about the state of Germany

god damit i only have 5 top tier nations, and i thought it was enough, guess not

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Yea i did but seriously, small nations deserve more love

yeah no reason to come here and try trolling a specific nation main cuz you felt like doing so

They do, but that’s not a reason to say that in a thread about Germany, which will be filled with people complaining about German vehicles. If you want to see other nations, they have their own threads.

there is a JGSDF and a JASDF for that if you wanna talk about japanese stuff, the people there are pretty nice

I made fun out of Germans because i think complaining about state of Germany while they have consistent line-up is kinda pointless. Thats like saying 11.7 russia is weak. Only things Germany need is decent SPAA, some top tier jets and thats about it. But Italy and Japan oh boy

issues are not lineups, issues are the bugs like, weird armor holes due to poor work on the damage model, stuff missing features like the PUMA not having a fully automatic IRCM and now AHEAD just recently got half fixed so we are happy for that, we have every right to complain so if its reasonable, and the lack of functionality or the incorrect performance on some stuff that are not related to balance its reasonable

  1. PUMA armor its wrong in all sides and directions
  2. PUMA MUSS dosent work in a 360 like they promoted in a devblog

Italy needs a good SPAA or SAM system. Japan however already has all of their native equipment…

So Germany deserves less attention just because they aren’t as bad as some Japan/Italy lineups? That makes little sense to me when a large portion of the player base plays Germany, and a lot of work still needs to be done on German vehicles. Gaijin has enough resources to work on multiple things at the same time. It’s Gaijin’s decision where to allocate resources. Saying Germany doesn’t deserve them is illogical, as they have a massive history in the development of vehicles (and it wont magically fix minor nations).

Hasn’t Germany gotten updated models each update for a year now? But I agree that more needs to be done.

Thats definetly true. Gaijin spaghetti has a lot of holes and things integrated like IRCM and MUSS should work as itended

not only that, gaijin current lack of proper modeling affecting everyone, just look how they affected the challenger 2 and the next victim might be around the corner, 2A7V has armor holes, Challenger 2 got their breach terrorized

Yup, Challenger is worst top tier MBT definetly…Too many weakspots, huge LFP , can get ammo racked by getting hit in the turret etc etc

nah that goes to the ariete, at least turret armor for the chally together with reload isnt as bad but jesus ariete has nothing except DM53 but only with the power of an L44

I penned stock Ariete AMV side armour with BT-5 and i killed it with two shots at 500m range. You are absolutely right abour Ariete. It needs armour kit

the issue is that the front armor is underperforming heavily

Oh does it please me to see an american, through and through, regard our engineering as superior.
Enjoy fighting those meteors in the future because it really won’t be fun.

I mean, 3BM42 at 800 meters against Ariete AMV doesnt look good, to say the least.

Cant imagine how DM53 or M829A2 looks XD

I’m Italian

the EFT is better than the airframe that is 20 years older , correct.

So whats good for the goose is good for the Gander? Phantom airframe 1958… F-15 1976, F-16 1978

its okay to fight F-16’s with 20 year old airframes by your own standards if its Germany but not vice-versa?..