Lets talk about the state of Germany


I said that the EFT has superior technology and flight models IRL.

You’ll also see me say this, right here, suggesting that against my good wishes, it would be fine, and understandable, to implement these techs (F-16V, F-15E/X, F-18C/D) at the same time as the EFT. Right… Here

I didn’t get a chance to do it on this DEV server earlier due to RL but better late then never, hopefully it gets looked at since it would be a pretty easy and fast fix for them to add the HOT missiles as a option. I am pretty sure I reported this already at some point,hard to keep track of all the things in my life at times .


It was already reported and acknowledged/submitted as a suggestion:

Man… I hate the new forums that report did not appear in my post history at all , oh well .
It cant hurt to remind them every now and then 😁 .

it’s so sad, I’m so sorry to hear that

Could be worse, he couls be french


you’re setting the bar real damn low lmao

What’s the matter with being Italian, eh?

We’ve got Dulce Far Niente and the best food in the world. And, our cities are walkable. Oh and we were the home of the Roman empire.

Well thats realy debatable.
I think the best Restaurants in the world where french cuisine?
Besides that it depends from person to person i propably prefer asian the most

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It’s funny reading all the banter between germany, france and Italy knowing that they at least germany is years behind the netherlands in terms of day to day life technology.

Its just typicsl european discussion.
Everyones bashing everyone


Being European is to hate my neighbor almost as much as I hate myself. Simple as.

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Why you think i bashed the french.
I sadly live onbthw border right next to them

Debatable the food it’s pretty good but the streets smell like poop and not i’m exagerating only 3 places didnt smell like poop

Spend a week in northern Germany last month. Now I understand why my ancesters decided to expand in the other direction, into the north sea lol.

I’m not from Germany and I support their hatred for france


“just because i played Soviets i m not allowed to speak?” - Actually yes. Yes, you aren’t. As the wisest say >Didn’t ask + soviet main

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Indians laughing in the background

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I’m not going to have the conversation here BUT as my last point. Indian food is garbage. It will not ever beat Italian Cuisine.

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explosive diarreha, with high risk of death