Lets talk about the state of Germany

The F-4F ICE would have been better as a 12.3 premium, as much as it would suck being a premium. There’s just no way the amraam can offset it being on a phantom. It’s just going to get violated by everything else.

It would be ok at 12.0 if they would try to gave us a real ICE, and not that thing they showed us, sure some stuff might WIP but bro… thats just a punch in the face

where is the Aim-9L/I aka AIm-9M???
why does it get AGM-65Bs and not D or G, yes we have sources and gaijin has then too, like a year alleady and here we are with Bs…
it must be a fricking joke

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Maybe Italy now turning better than Germany very soon
tbh this is what I’m scared the most but it finally here
F4F ICE not gonna perform well against advance jet (despite Dutch should be for German air tree not France that their mirage gonna get MICA which gonna do just fine)
and Leopard 2A7HU? well no comment i’m really sad for German but also happy for Italy at the same time
I only hope at least they should get correct armor along 2A7V german that the very least i can wish for

F-4F KWS you are German mains at least give its correct designation.

I see it as an upgraded F-4S that can hang at top tier.
Instead you get a better Radar and all aspect missiles. The Phantom is still very capable.

With the reduced team sizes even more so.

You are aware both designations are correct, yea? ICE is the English translation of KWS (Improved Combat Efficiency).

I see it as an upgraded F-4S that can hang at top tier.

It can? It doesn’t even get IRCCM missiles and it’s still an F-4 at the end of the day. It’s DOA dude.

F-4S is 11.3, the worst it sees are R-60MKs.


We shall see, its a definite upgrade, what else could Gaijin have given you?

IRCCM missiles maybe? How about better Mavericks too?

It’s as much of an upgrade as Pz. 2F is over the Pz. 2C


Bro wth, ICE have worse RWR then F4E on dev stream.

Worst RWR and no IRCCM missiles, Amazing job gaijin…


If you wanna be like that, its the F-4F Kampfwertsteigerung Luftverteidigung

Behave an aim9L rear aspect is hard to defeat.
The Aim120 and Radar are the selling points
Smaller teams you dont need to dogfight.
Yes like the Tornado it wont be meta

Its really not…

No IFF interrogator on the radar apparently

It’s not?

The Aim120 and Radar are the selling points

Doesn’t matter when multipath is the same as always, you can just hug the ground and the “selling point” is dead weight.

Yes like the Tornado it wont be meta

This is beyond “not being meta”, ICE is completely DOA. Worse IR missiles, less CMs, worse RWR.


Thats a bug it uses the FA-18 radar APG 65Y

u are ignoring here that it is 12.7, and the tornado literaly gets aim 9m and aim 120b at the exact same br

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@Smin1080p Are the developers planning on giving AIM-9Ms or RB-74(M)s to ICE as stand-ins for the AIM-9L(I-1)? Cause as of now, this jet is barely 12.3 worthy.


I cant help that Germany never operated the Aim 9M
As a Tornado fan i would have liked Aim9 Li

The F-4F could get the IRIS-T

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South Africa never operated SkyFlash on their Gripens (UK still got it), French Tigers never operated HOT-3 (they literally couldn’t).

The “never operated” is no longer an argument you can use here.


sweden didnt operate aim 9ms either but here we are


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What a joke.