Lets talk about the state of Germany

It isnt hard to defeat i only need to flare 2 times

Well it was Germanys F-4 that started that controversy…Aim9J…Never heard of her mate

Funny, cause that’s also on Gaijin lmao. We all wanted 9Ls for that jet, they forced 9Js on us so that it can be at a lower BR.

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Man the issue here is that putting the F4F ICE at 12.7 it’s too much i’m all honesty, as of rn it sucks compared to all other AMRAAM slingers


German players should unite with other oppressed nations to resist gaijin


IRL or in WT?

I wanna bet

I just find it funny how mike asked why people wanted the ICE. Yeah what would have been the other option?


Eurofighter DA.1 Hehe

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Oh yeaa true, didn’t quite catch that when watching the stream.

Our only other alternative is either EFT before anybody else, or a sub-tree nation with a 4th gen airframe (but apparently that makes all other nation mains cope and seethe).

F-4F ICE at 12.7 (Same BR as F-15, F-16, Gripen, Su-27, 1 whole BR over M2000C and so on) is I N S A N E.
Having fox 3s on that old platform DOES NOT make it 12.7. J-8F is getting fox 3s and it’ll be at a lower BR, but still, get an F-4 to fight a J-8, guess what happens. An F-4 competing with the current top tier with AIM-9Ls, but hey it has AMRAAMS, am I right?


Pretty much, yep

not to mention F-4F ICE getting the worst variant of AMRAAM too

I just wish gaijin would give us a statement for the future of the german tree (like a future subtree is planned or something like that).

It’s not only top tier, but whole rank 6+ for germany which is critical. Other nations have still many options left there while germany has realisticly just another tornado and 2 or 3 eurofighters. Planes like the alpha jet ice never went anywhere. Vj-101, vak191 are unlikely aswell. So just 4 planes left.

Seems like the future of the german air tree are ww2 planes


It would just be better to have a Danish F-16AM exactly like the Belgian one then. I’m not a German main but I’m starting to believe they’re running out of excuses to just hate Germany in this game. They get decent or even really good things, but it takes A WHILE for that to happen. Everyone getting amazing platforms, France getting F-16As at 12.0 with 6 9Ms, and Germany gets an F-4 with AMRAAMS and 9Ls to compete with all that? Lmaoooo


12.7 with no IRCCM missile is out of the world… especially with competing top jets has like 100+ countermeasures

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denmark was confirmed to go to sweden

Literally this but for anything. Like please tell me that literally ANYTHING is planned. It just seems like they do things with no plan for the future at all. It’s so odd


after dumping all of its AMRAAM the ICE has no means to defend itself… poor maneuverability + no IRCCM missile

gonna look like this, fly high lock targets shoot your missles return to base immediatly, literaly no reason to do anything else