Lets talk about the state of Germany

Just because a dart is DU doesn’t mean its automatically 20% better…

The reason DU is used is partly because its cheap, can self sharpen at lower velocities and is rather easy to come by if a nation has a nuclear program. (there are many other reasons too)


Guys guys, I can only like so many posts.

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Meant 20% stronger than tungsten

the reason its used is because its simply better, and penetrates more. Its 20% stronger than tungsten. and it melts anyone and anything hit by the rod fragments.

That’s depending on certain stuff, gaijin has already added extra pens on shells with DU like M829A3, and type 10 round wich btw has a tungsten alloy that acts like DU, the thing is that lanz oddermatt fórmula dosent allow you to surpass your Shell lenght in penetration

That still doesn’t mean anything. “strength” is dependent on material properties, which can be altered using alloys.

Nowhere in the calculator is a “strength” unit.

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Yeah if lanz oddermatt fórmula used strenght it would make physics pretty damn complex for war thunder and would change pen in a Lot of shells

yeah this is true, but at the same time no one knows how strong those alloys in the tanks are. some of the alloys could reduce the penetration by 5% or 15% i don’t know much about this :)

Alloys arent a thing in wt cuz of oddermatt fórmula it has, Steel, DU and tungsten, if it went specific it would add extra properties that need to be accounted for penetration, the formula is meant to be simple

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i thought gaijin gave NERA like 1.5 the strength off steel or something

Yeah oddermatt fórmula calculates only against RHA targets but You can change hardness strenght and density of such target aswell as other properties, to simulate this gaijin just modified materials ingame to be as similar as possible as irl materials, still it’s pretty simple and constant pen

With the Properties needed for APFSDS “strength” has no meaning as you define it. The reasons different materials perform differently is mainly due to the how hard they are, density, elasticity etc etc etc. None of them are “strength” but rather properties, one alloy isn’t automatically 5% worse than another due to one aspect, its a combination of a lot of factors.

M829A2 is like within 10mm or within 20mm of its IRL pen in War Thunder.
DM53 is pretty close.
Odermatt is why War Thunder, Steel Beasts, etc can exist as simulators. Everyone uses his formula cause it’s quick, fair, and accurate enough.


Is the possibility that shells from the L/44 and L/55 don’t pen well over 700mm? When did L27A1 enter service and compare it to the shell that entered service closest to that.

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Late 90s and stopped production in 2001 and then we made L28A1 which was its tungsten replacement

ok then take all the known alloys. How do each of them fare vs a D.U Penetrator.

Depends DU performs better but thanks to its own properties it becomes uneffective at pretty high velocities it becomes more brittle the faster it goes, but generally speaking yeah DU has more pen

ok for example i already know that M829A2 can defeat K-5 up to 1000meters, but gaijin says it can’t. I know with 100% assurance gaijin is wrong.

All of this stuff is made out of alloys that can only protect it from a certain distance.

Thats… RELIKT not Kontakt-5 dude.

That’s a T80BVM it uses relikt T80U uses kontakt 5

yeah i meant a tank with K5