Lets talk about the state of Germany

that’s right, bomb france


And that why i said Gaijin’s incompetent because they just look at the stats numbers but never know how it actually doing or how many people playing

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Iirc when it first was added it had them and for balance reasons it was removed. Irl it had them i believe.

If u got the proof for it… maybe a bug report is in order?

Ill have to go find them, or ask around. Problem is it wouod probably go up in br which euins the few 9.7 options available for only having therms on the 20mm.

Honestly shouldn’t. Its a gimmick as u cant rlly use it unless you have the seperate keybonds set up. And still u cant aim the 120 with it.
So probably not a br increase required.

Yes, the PT16/T14 mod. likely had thermals as well.

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Issues is when it uses materials that arent the ones normally used for the calculations requires for example i could Say DM53 penetrates 730 mm of armor against a RHAe but its not a semi infinite target wich means it can be only 690 against composite, if i use this type of formula it’s gonna be unconsistant and unbalanced for the game, that’s why long rod penetrator formula uses semi infinite targets to calculate penetration it allows for a consistant target penetration values and the L27A1 has a 605mm of lenght wich means penetration against semi infinite targets shouldn’t penetrate more than those 605 mm of lenght, the penetration can be calculate by shell density in this case

Quick question, do you know how D.U APFSDS works?

It is still wrong and everyone knows it, its easily proven that the uk cannon performs worse.
Hell the easiest proof is the decision to change to the german L/55a1 smoothbore. Becauee their rifled cannons werent able to keep up.
If their performance would have been equal UK would have stayed with their own cannon to keep the economic power in their own country.
Same reason they are developing Challenger 3 and arent just getting Leo 2a8s in the first place


i thought it was due to a lack of funding D:

I do perfectly know how it works, it may penetrate that ammount of RHAe but who knows how it does against ERA, NERA and cerámic that’s why the performance calculated with semi infinite targets, it has a limit for the mechanical strenght it can apply and be subjected

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I mean look at uk, german history.
UK normal abhors using german weaponry if the project wasnt planned together from the start.

Taurus/ shadow storm
Or tornados had different kinds of mine dispensers

It wasnt realy lack of funding in this case.
Like i said if its because of lack of funding just buying Leo 2a8s would have been cheaper then developing challenger 3s

USSR says 3BM22 can pen 1000mm of armor.
Must be true right?
The fact you call Willi Odermatt a liar is an insult to physicists and mathematicians everywhere.
T33 isn’t APFSDS, and not applicable to Willi Odermatt, which Gaijin knows, and everyone else knows.

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so you know to ad 20% to penetration of a D.U penetrator :D

Thats not how it works


Just because a dart is DU doesn’t mean its automatically 20% better…

The reason DU is used is partly because its cheap, can self sharpen at lower velocities and is rather easy to come by if a nation has a nuclear program. (there are many other reasons too)


Guys guys, I can only like so many posts.

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Meant 20% stronger than tungsten

the reason its used is because its simply better, and penetrates more. Its 20% stronger than tungsten. and it melts anyone and anything hit by the rod fragments.

That’s depending on certain stuff, gaijin has already added extra pens on shells with DU like M829A3, and type 10 round wich btw has a tungsten alloy that acts like DU, the thing is that lanz oddermatt fórmula dosent allow you to surpass your Shell lenght in penetration